Yahoo Archive: Page 59 of 67


Messages in runacc group. Page 59 of 67.

Group: runacc Message: 2904 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/8/2015
Subject: SLCG CC33 Review – Exhibits – Archival doc
Group: runacc Message: 2905 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/8/2015
Subject: SLCG CC33 Review – Dealers Room – Archival doc
Group: runacc Message: 2906 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/8/2015
Subject: SLCG CC33 Review – Last Recommendation – Archival doc
Group: runacc Message: 2907 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2908 From: ECM Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2909 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2910 From: staceylee25 Date: 7/13/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2911 From: Kaijugal . Date: 7/16/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2912 From: Kaijugal . Date: 7/16/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers – Skills vs talking heads.
Group: runacc Message: 2913 From: spiritof_76 Date: 7/16/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2914 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/17/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2915 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 7/17/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2916 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/17/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2917 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/21/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Group: runacc Message: 2918 From: beckieboo817 Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Desriptions
Group: runacc Message: 2919 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions
Group: runacc Message: 2920 From: beckieboo817 Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions
Group: runacc Message: 2921 From: Kevin Roche Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions
Group: runacc Message: 2922 From: ECM Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions
Group: runacc Message: 2923 From: staceylee25 Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2924 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2925 From: Kevin Roche Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2926 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2927 From: staceylee25 Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2928 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2929 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2930 From: Sarah A Bloy Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2931 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2932 From: Tina Connell Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2933 From: Tina Connell Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2934 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2935 From: Christine Connell Date: 7/26/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2936 From: Sarah Bloy Date: 8/2/2015
Subject: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2937 From: spiritof_76 Date: 8/3/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2938 From: lisa A Date: 8/3/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2939 From: ma0902432 Date: 8/3/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2940 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/4/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2941 From: Trudy Leonard Date: 8/4/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2942 From: Kaijugal . Date: 8/13/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Group: runacc Message: 2943 From: Kaijugal . Date: 8/13/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2944 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/14/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2945 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 8/14/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Group: runacc Message: 2946 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
Group: runacc Message: 2947 From: spiritof_76 Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
Group: runacc Message: 2948 From: spiritof_76 Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Costume-Con Award Ribbon Archives?
Group: runacc Message: 2949 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
Group: runacc Message: 2950 From: Betsy Marks Delaney Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
Group: runacc Message: 2951 From: Kevin Roche Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: Costume-Con Award Ribbon Archives?
Group: runacc Message: 2952 From: axejudge Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
Group: runacc Message: 2953 From: Christine Connell Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos



Group: runacc Message: 2904 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/8/2015
Subject: SLCG CC33 Review – Exhibits – Archival doc



Exhibit Room – mostly composed of a few of Janet Wilson Anderson’s competition pieces, plus one or two others.   The Archives provided material for a little “slide show” of Janet’s works. 

This one had one bright spot for me.  Having been at JW Anderson’s Making New Mistakes panel and hearing here discuss the My Fair Lady dress at some length, it was nice to be able to go to the exhibits and see the costume and documentation right there.  A real plus.



Group: runacc Message: 2905 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/8/2015
Subject: SLCG CC33 Review – Dealers Room – Archival doc



Dealers Room – There were a whopping TWO dealers: one with beads, one with trim.  Both good dealers, for what they were, but….   How/why did this happen?   The story we heard was because originally, Janet was supposed to bring  AlterYears.

At the last minute, her travel plans changed and she had to fly instead, leaving a huge hole in the Dealers Room.   We suspect there had been no other dealers brought in so that Janet would have no competition or repetition of wares.   This completely backfired and it was too late to do anything about it.  To fill space, the  convention voting table was placed there, along with CC34’s promotion table and one for the SCA.    The rest of the room was taken up by Lisa’s “Miss LIzzy’s Travelling Historical Fashion Show”.   This was a pretty nice display of antique women’s clothing, but it wouldn’t have been in the Dealers Room had things not fallen through.



Group: runacc Message: 2906 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/8/2015
Subject: SLCG CC33 Review – Last Recommendation – Archival doc



This one is about Staff: If someone foresees a year out that there may be something that may interfere with doing their job, there is nothing wrong with backing out – do not feel obligated.   Better to get out early so that the position can be filled,  rather than do it poorly and beg off that they’re “just a volunteer”.

Thus concludes the review.



Group: runacc Message: 2907 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Panel speakers



New topic:

Those of you who go to more cons than us, we have a question:

Is it a trend that there are more costuming panels with one speaker/guest instead of a group of people?    We’ve attended a few events recently where the one person does one thing very well (foam armor, as an example)  but if asked about some other technique to use in addition (say, cloth mache), they are either at a loss or don’t know the proper use of said techniques.   while having an “expert” is certainly good, it seems to point to a problem with too much specialization.   As a result, there’s maybe 2 or three panels that teach ONE THING which people are very interested in, but there would appear to be a lack of sharing of general knowledge.   Sure you can go on line for just about anything these days, but there’s still the whole point of contact thing where panels should still have their place.

Does anyone else have observations about this, and is this something that CCs can do better?




Group: runacc Message: 2908 From: ECM Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers


Bruce, I can see your point, but the segments are usually only 50 min. long.  That means that you might get 3 skills watered down to fit, or you get all-you-ever-wanted-to-know about one.  Not an easy choice.




New topic:

Those of you who go to more cons than us, we have a question:

Is it a trend that there are more costuming panels with one speaker/guest instead of a group of people?    We’ve attended a few events recently where the one person does one thing very well (foam armor, as an example)  but if asked about some other technique to use in addition (say, cloth mache), they are either at a loss or don’t know the proper use of said techniques.   while having an “expert” is certainly good, it seems to point to a problem with too much specialization.   As a result, there’s maybe 2 or three panels that teach ONE THING which people are very interested in, but there would appear to be a lack of sharing of general knowledge.   Sure you can go on line for just about anything these days, but there’s still the whole point of contact thing where panels should still have their place.

Does anyone else have observations about this, and is this something that CCs can do better?





Group: runacc Message: 2909 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/12/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers


It’s not only a trend, it’s a fairly well-established one that has been building for several years.  It began with CCs and has spread to other types of events at which costuming is recognized (e.g., traditional sf cons).


I believe the trend has been stimulated by the demand by costumers for program items that teach skills.  Demand seems to have been increasing for increasingly specialized or esoteric skills and program chairs have been trying to meet the demand as best they can.  At Sasquan, apparently one of the costume program items will be titled something like “Sewing Without Patterns,” which strikes me as a pretty esoteric topic for a Worldcon.  (On the other hand, there usually are esoteric topic in other Worldcon program tracks.  Maybe we’re just catching up.)
As we’ve tried to attract new members to our events, we probably have seen a widening of the types of skills persons have sought to learn.    Of course, unless you’re already pretty familiar with a technique, you can’t learn much in one 50-minute session.  In line with the demand, we’re also seeing demand for 80 to 110 minute sessions, at least at CCs.  This eats further into the ability to provide a varied program and may be counter-productive to meeting the demand to learn new and different skills, at least within the time constraints of a weekend event.


On Jul 12, 2015, at 5:45 PM, ‘Nora & Bruce Mai’ [runacc] <> wrote:


New topic:

Those of you who go to more cons than us, we have a question:

Is it a trend that there are more costuming panels with one speaker/guest instead of a group of people?    We’ve attended a few events recently where the one person does one thing very well (foam armor, as an example)  but if asked about some other technique to use in addition (say, cloth mache), they are either at a loss or don’t know the proper use of said techniques.   while having an “expert” is certainly good, it seems to point to a problem with too much specialization.   As a result, there’s maybe 2 or three panels that teach ONE THING which people are very interested in, but there would appear to be a lack of sharing of general knowledge.   Sure you can go on line for just about anything these days, but there’s still the whole point of contact thing where panels should still have their place.

Does anyone else have observations about this, and is this something that CCs can do better?






Group: runacc Message: 2910 From: staceylee25 Date: 7/13/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
Eh, I don’t know that it’s a trend…maybe in some circles but not in any I’ve been running in. All the cons we’ve been to for CC34 this year have only had generic “beginner” panels and maybe a generic “advanced” panel. Meanwhile, we’ve submitted more specific-topic panels for Geek-kon and when we do, we have at least two people (more often than not, too many) per subject, like wigs or props or historical undergarments.

I can see where adding very specific costuming topics into the panel schedule is great for costumers, because there are a lot of really new and not necessarily easy methods, particularly for armor and props, that people want to see in person. As long as the topic is billed as ONLY about that method, then having one speaker teaching ONLY about that method is perfectly legit and it’s on the questioner for asking something unrelated. It’s like going to a panel about sewing and asking about wig styling. It’s not the solo panelist’s fault they can’t answer that question.

CC’s always been good about this, though, with some caveats year to year depending on who’s writing the panel descriptions and whether there’s good communication between the events head and the panelists. I don’t see anything wrong with a solo panelist, nor with a streamlined topic. Love ’em. Want more of ’em. Especially at CC where you’re coming to actually learn these specialized things and don’t need “cosplay 101” all over again. It really comes down to the panelist writing exactly what they mean to do (and sticking with it!!) and the events head making sure that the program book has that information, and a concise title for the panel, so people know what they’re walking into.



Group: runacc Message: 2911 From: Kaijugal . Date: 7/16/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers


“Is it a trend that there are more costuming panels with one speaker/guest instead of a group of people?”

It’s not a trend here,  (Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal triangle), that I am aware of. Most panels are still made up of 3-6 panelists.
I do see that with some newer conventions, it’s more common for the cosplay models, (which I will separate from the

costuming pros & costume community guests), to do solo panels on a subject. I imagine it helps keep the focus on them, and keeps them in “work”.

When I personally develop programming I tend to follow the traditions I grew up with:
Panels: 3-6 people
Demos: 1 specialist, possibly 1 or 2 satellite helpers/models
Workshops: Usually 1 person leading, with possible additional helpers.

Dawn McKechnie – President – Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada

Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 16:45:15 -0500
Subject: [runacc] Panel speakers



New topic:

Those of you who go to more cons than us, we have a question:

Is it a trend that there are more costuming panels with one speaker/guest instead of a group of people?    We’ve attended a few events recently where the one person does one thing very well (foam armor, as an example)  but if asked about some other technique to use in addition (say, cloth mache), they are either at a loss or don’t know the proper use of said techniques.   while having an “expert” is certainly good, it seems to point to a problem with too much specialization.   As a result, there’s maybe 2 or three panels that teach ONE THING which people are very interested in, but there would appear to be a lack of sharing of general knowledge.   Sure you can go on line for just about anything these days, but there’s still the whole point of contact thing where panels should still have their place.

Does anyone else have observations about this, and is this something that CCs can do better?





Group: runacc Message: 2912 From: Kaijugal . Date: 7/16/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers – Skills vs talking heads.


Byron wrote: “I believe the trend has been stimulated by the demand by costumers for program items that teach skills.”
I have to agree with what Byron says as well, (which plays into why I like to program and attend demos and workshops).

This is the reason why we tried to have so many demos at CC32, (e.g. the Turban wrapping one), because

many of the costumers have been at the game a long time, and as Elaine said, don’t need yet another Cosplay 101
talking heads panel. We have to appeal to those people as well as the new attendees.
Balance is a tricky thing. I’d be interested to see a breakdown of what type of panels people did, (or desired) to attend at
CC32, but the con is too far gone now. Perhaps that would make for an interesting study at future Costume-Cons. 🙂

Dawn McKechnie – President – Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada




Group: runacc Message: 2913 From: spiritof_76 Date: 7/16/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers
At a convention here in Denver, the Programming Director is very old
school. She doesn’t consider any programming item to have any real
value unless it’s a panel with 3-5 panelists with a moderator leading
the discussion with pre-assigned questions. Anything else is just a fan
panel and complete fluff. If you have a powerpoint presentation, you’re
a fan panel.



Group: runacc Message: 2914 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/17/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers



Dawn’s input aside, the weakness I see here is:


1.  If that person can’t do their panel, then that whole slot is lost, whereas other panelists could (hopefully) take up the slack.

2.   It becomes even more important to make sure your panelist is a good communicator.




From: []
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 11:33 AM
Subject: [runacc] Re: Panel speakers

Eh, I don’t know that it’s a trend…maybe in some circles but not in any I’ve been running in. All the cons we’ve been to for CC34 this year have only had generic “beginner” panels and maybe a generic “advanced” panel. Meanwhile, we’ve submitted more specific-topic panels for Geek-kon and when we do, we have at least two people (more often than not, too many) per subject, like wigs or props or historical undergarments.

I can see where adding very specific costuming topics into the panel schedule is great for costumers, because there are a lot of really new and not necessarily easy methods, particularly for armor and props, that people want to see in person. As long as the topic is billed as ONLY about that method, then having one speaker teaching ONLY about that method is perfectly legit and it’s on the questioner for asking something unrelated. It’s like going to a panel about sewing and asking about wig styling. It’s not the solo panelist’s fault they can’t answer that question.

CC’s always been good about this, though, with some caveats year to year depending on who’s writing the panel descriptions and whether there’s good communication between the events head and the panelists. I don’t see anything wrong with a solo panelist, nor with a streamlined topic. Love ’em. Want more of ’em. Especially at CC where you’re coming to actually learn these specialized things and don’t need “cosplay 101” all over again. It really comes down to the panelist writing exactly what they mean to do (and sticking with it!!) and the events head making sure that the program book has that information, and a concise title for the panel, so people know what they’re walking into.




Group: runacc Message: 2915 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 7/17/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers

I haven’t seen a shift to single-presenter panels. Single-presenter workshops, certainly. Single-presenter trunk shows, lectures and retrospectives, sure.

But panels? It’s not a “panel” if there’s only one presenter.


Group: runacc Message: 2916 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/17/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers


That’s certainly true.  However, I was speaking about program items, not “panels.”  I’ve given one-person lectures, myself, and I know of a lot of other types of one-person demos and workshops.  Bruce’s two comments are just as applicable to them as to “panels” of one person.





On Jul 17, 2015, at 2:44 PM, Andrew Trembley [runacc] <> wrote:


I haven’t seen a shift to single-presenter panels. Single-presenter workshops, certainly. Single-presenter trunk shows, lectures and retrospectives, sure.

But panels? It’s not a “panel” if there’s only one presenter.





Group: runacc Message: 2917 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/21/2015
Subject: Re: Panel speakers



Yeah, I was pretty much using “panel” as a generic catch-all word.  but no one uses the word “lecture” in their programming listings, for obvious reasons.    “Workshops” are common, but some (not all) wind up being lectures.




From: []
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Panel speakers

That’s certainly true.  However, I was speaking about program items, not “panels.”  I’ve given one-person lectures, myself, and I know of a lot of other types of one-person demos and workshops.  Bruce’s two comments are just as applicable to them as to “panels” of one person.



On Jul 17, 2015, at 2:44 PM, Andrew Trembley [runacc] <> wrote:


I haven’t seen a shift to single-presenter panels. Single-presenter workshops, certainly. Single-presenter trunk shows, lectures and retrospectives, sure.


But panels? It’s not a “panel” if there’s only one presenter.





Group: runacc Message: 2918 From: beckieboo817 Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Desriptions

Hi, Y’All


We’ve got the website set up kind of for CC36 ( and if I could, I would like it if people could help with descriptions of the various masquerades.  I’m not sure where else to go to get descriptions that are adequate to explain what we’re expecting from the masses



Group: runacc Message: 2919 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions


These really do have to come from the MDs.  Anything else is guess-work.





On Jul 22, 2015, at 7:10 PM, [runacc] <> wrote:


Hi, Y’All


We’ve got the website set up kind of for CC36 ( and if I could, I would like it if people could help with descriptions of the various masquerades.  I’m not sure where else to go to get descriptions that are adequate to explain what we’re expecting from the masses






Group: runacc Message: 2920 From: beckieboo817 Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions
See, I wondered about that but I also wondered if these could just be a generic type of description.


Group: runacc Message: 2921 From: Kevin Roche Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions
You’re welcome to crib from the stuff that is still up on 🙂



On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 4:32 PM, [runacc] <> wrote:


See, I wondered about that but I also wondered if these could just be a generic type of description.





Group: runacc Message: 2922 From: ECM Date: 7/22/2015
Subject: Re: Desriptions is still there, too.

Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 17:27:53 -0700
Subject: Re: [runacc] Desriptions


You’re welcome to crib from the stuff that is still up on 🙂



On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 4:32 PM, [runacc] <> wrote:


See, I wondered about that but I also wondered if these could just be a generic type of description.







Group: runacc Message: 2923 From: staceylee25 Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: heading off drama

So I have a unique situation and would like some perspective from other past directors, green room staff, etc.

At CONvergence this year there was a performance that gave birth to a special snowflake of epic proportions. When she didn’t win, she took to Facebook lambasting everyone involved in the masquerade, from the judges to the director to who knows what. Another diva fed her ego by giving her incorrect facts he made by assumption, such as “the workmanship judges had no ICG experience” (one was the founder of MNSOC and the other was a former officer in MACS, both of whom have won Best in Show at Costume-Con), but this girl took it and ran with it, and her vitrol got so bad that the CVG masquerade director quit about a week after the con.

Now, I was a green room handler for this show, so I witnessed pretty much everything, and was observing in the deliberation room while the judges were deciding so I could snap up a Novice who didn’t win a major award and give them the free CC34 membership. I had no influence, I was merely an observer. The snowflake’s specific complaints are unfounded, she’s merely reacting out of a combo of severe sour grapes + unfortunate hinging of her mental state and coping skills on an award. However, now she has gone around to her friends and other costumers’ Facebooks openly declaring that she’s bringing this entry to CC34.

As the director for the SF&F, which she would be entering, how far is too far to go to balance her right to compete and bring a very nice costume to the stage versus preventing backstage drama and more sour grapes? We’ve all been witness to green room breakdowns and post-show griping about how the awards fell, hell we’ve probably been the ones to break down or complain. Lord knows I’ve lost my shit under stress. We also know plenty of people who are completely lovely 99% of the time but during a certain window of time before/during the masquerade, can become snowflakes themselves. So, I don’t want to blacklist her or lay extra rules on her just because I’ve witnessed her behavior, which stretched out for weeks after the con and involved slandering a lot of people who were only doing their jobs. But at the same time, I really don’t want her to pull this shit on CC in general. It’s not that we can’t handle drama, and I’m not ruffled from the director’s standpoint, but it’s a headache nobody really needs to deal with if we don’t have to.

I don’t want to give out too many details of her costume or performance in case some of my judges not-yet-picked are on the list, but it did involve set pieces which may be too large for our stage, plus some special effects which automatically violate CC’s rules. If she wanted to bring the entirety of her performance, she would have to cut out the effects entirely – which I think is actually the real point of her performance, not her costume so much – and depending on what we discover in terms of stage size and accessibility, her set pieces might (or might not) be too large for the stage. Technically, she should have been disqualified on the spot for violating the director’s permissions and putting glitter on the stage, but the director allowed her to be considered with the rest and she simply didn’t win an award. So, I do have inside knowledge that at least at CVG, she thought she could go over the director’s head and add an element to her performance that was not allowed. I’m actually less concerned about her taking to the internet to decry the unfairness of ICG rules and more concerned that she would pull a stunt like that and leave the stage covered in glitter and confetti and all she would get is a disqualification, while the stage crew is left cleaning up a mess before the photo run and all the other competitors would have to risk getting crap on their costumes.

Like I say, it’s sort of a unique situation in that I have inside information ahead of time. She isn’t yet registered for CC, but she sounds extremely determined to compete there. She seems to hold ICG-level competition in high regard, for what it’s worth.




Group: runacc Message: 2924 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama


There’s not a lot you can do to head off drama.

The first part (glitter) is what enforcing the rules is for. My entry blanks always include a photo release, a liability release, and an “I have read and understand the rules” release. I’m a lot less forgiving than I used to be on rules violations after I had a cheating incident in a masquerade we were running, and after I had a teenager not bring an axe to rehearsal and check it out with the weapons master at CC26, and then scare the hell out of the stage crew when she walked.

If the rules said “no messes on the stage” I would have informed the entrant she was disqualified and gone out before I handed the stage to the judges for awards and announced to the audience that the entry was disqualified.



The bad behavior? This is the kind of thing that a general code-of-conduct is meant to handle. I’m expecting that her reaction would be a perfect reason to eject her from the convention for code-of-conduct violations, and the rest of the people in the green room would cheer.

Depending on how bad her online behavior is, CVG might have reason to talk with her about conduct violations. Just because the last day of the con is past doesn’t mean that con-related harassment has to be tolerated.

Have a vacuum ready 😉


Group: runacc Message: 2925 From: Kevin Roche Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Also — you *were* a witness to her behavior in the green room and you *are* the F&SF director.

If she enters, it is not inappropriate for *you* to say *to her* that you expect her to follow the rules and the code of conduct, which her behavior would have violated had she been in a CC competition. You actually witnessed the behavior, after all, and are not operating from hearsay.




On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Andrew Trembley [runacc] <> wrote:



There’s not a lot you can do to head off drama.

The first part (glitter) is what enforcing the rules is for. My entry blanks always include a photo release, a liability release, and an “I have read and understand the rules” release. I’m a lot less forgiving than I used to be on rules violations after I had a cheating incident in a masquerade we were running, and after I had a teenager not bring an axe to rehearsal and check it out with the weapons master at CC26, and then scare the hell out of the stage crew when she walked.

If the rules said “no messes on the stage” I would have informed the entrant she was disqualified and gone out before I handed the stage to the judges for awards and announced to the audience that the entry was disqualified.

The bad behavior? This is the kind of thing that a general code-of-conduct is meant to handle. I’m expecting that her reaction would be a perfect reason to eject her from the convention for code-of-conduct violations, and the rest of the people in the green room would cheer.

Depending on how bad her online behavior is, CVG might have reason to talk with her about conduct violations. Just because the last day of the con is past doesn’t mean that con-related harassment has to be tolerated.

Have a vacuum ready 😉





Group: runacc Message: 2926 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/23/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama


Stace —


I agree with Kevin and Andy.  If, as I hope and expect, CC 34 has a code of conduct and informs every member that adherence to the code is required as a condition of membership, the con could revoke a person’s membership, if that’s the appropriate response to a violation.  However, that’s the con’s decision, not yours as MD.  As MD, however, you should enforce your rules, including any about leaving a mess on the stage.  For such a violation, I would pause the masquerade immediately, have the house lights turned up, and announce from the MC’s lectern that the entry has been disqualified for violation of the masquerade rules.  (I did that once when a bozo in the audience used flash photography, and required the offender be ejected from the room before the show would resume. My rules banned flash photography from the audience and the MC had told the audience so before the show began.)
You may want to think about briefing the tech director, the stage manager, the head ninja, the MC, and the person’s den mom about the potential for inappropriate behavior.  I’m not certain you should take this step; however, if you do, emphasize the need to keep the briefing in camera.



On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:18 PM, Kevin Roche [runacc] <> wrote:


Also — you *were* a witness to her behavior in the green room and you *are* the F&SF director.

If she enters, it is not inappropriate for *you* to say *to her* that you expect her to follow the rules and the code of conduct, which her behavior would have violated had she been in a CC competition. You actually witnessed the behavior, after all, and are not operating from hearsay.



On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Andrew Trembley [runacc] <> wrote:


There’s not a lot you can do to head off drama.

The first part (glitter) is what enforcing the rules is for. My entry blanks always include a photo release, a liability release, and an “I have read and understand the rules” release. I’m a lot less forgiving than I used to be on rules violations after I had a cheating incident in a masquerade we were running, and after I had a teenager not bring an axe to rehearsal and check it out with the weapons master at CC26, and then scare the hell out of the stage crew when she walked.

If the rules said “no messes on the stage” I would have informed the entrant she was disqualified and gone out before I handed the stage to the judges for awards and announced to the audience that the entry was disqualified.

The bad behavior? This is the kind of thing that a general code-of-conduct is meant to handle. I’m expecting that her reaction would be a perfect reason to eject her from the convention for code-of-conduct violations, and the rest of the people in the green room would cheer.

Depending on how bad her online behavior is, CVG might have reason to talk with her about conduct violations. Just because the last day of the con is past doesn’t mean that con-related harassment has to be tolerated.
Have a vacuum ready 😉






Group: runacc Message: 2927 From: staceylee25 Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama

Excellent advice, thanks guys. I’ll be able to formulate a prepared response based on those ideas.

I don’t think we have a code of conduct for CC34, however. I know all the contests have their rules posted, and if we don’t have a general weapons/costume policy posted we really should. Can you point me to an example of a code of conduct from a past CC or similar venue?

I mean, smaller cons always have rules but I don’t recall seeing some for CC before. Maybe I just never looked because I assumed we were all adults who knew how to handle ourselves and each other.

I’m probably also going to comb back through the SF&F rules to make sure there’s no ambiguous language. I feel like “don’t throw glitter on the stage” is already understood but I might want to state it outright.


—In, <byronpconnell@…> wrote :

Stace —

I agree with Kevin and Andy.  If, as I hope and expect, CC 34 has a code of conduct and informs every member that adherence to the code is required as a condition of membership, the con could revoke a person’s membership, if that’s the appropriate response to a violation.  However, that’s the con’s decision, not yours as MD.  As MD, however, you should enforce your rules, including any about leaving a mess on the stage.  For such a violation, I would pause the masquerade immediately, have the house lights turned up, and announce from the MC’s lectern that the entry has been disqualified for violation of the masquerade rules.  (I did that once when a bozo in the audience used flash photography, and required the offender be ejected from the room before the show would resume. My rules banned flash photography from the audience and the MC had told the audience so before the show began.)
You may want to think about briefing the tech director, the stage manager, the head ninja, the MC, and the person’s den mom about the potential for inappropriate behavior.  I’m not certain you should take this step; however, if you do, emphasize the need to keep the briefing in camera.




On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:18 PM, Kevin Roche kevin@… [runacc] <> wrote:


Also — you *were* a witness to her behavior in the green room and you *are* the F&SF director.

If she enters, it is not inappropriate for *you* to say *to her* that you expect her to follow the rules and the code of conduct, which her behavior would have violated had she been in a CC competition. You actually witnessed the behavior, after all, and are not operating from hearsay.







Group: runacc Message: 2928 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama



On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:22 AM, [runacc] <> wrote:


Excellent advice, thanks guys. I’ll be able to formulate a prepared response based on those ideas.

I don’t think we have a code of conduct for CC34, however. I know all the contests have their rules posted, and if we don’t have a general weapons/costume policy posted we really should. Can you point me to an example of a code of conduct from a past CC or similar venue?

I mean, smaller cons always have rules but I don’t recall seeing some for CC before. Maybe I just never looked because I assumed we were all adults who knew how to handle ourselves and each other.

I’m probably also going to comb back through the SF&F rules to make sure there’s no ambiguous language. I feel like “don’t throw glitter on the stage” is already understood but I might want to state it outright.


—In, <byronpconnell@…> wrote :

Stace —

I agree with Kevin and Andy.  If, as I hope and expect, CC 34 has a code of conduct and informs every member that adherence to the code is required as a condition of membership, the con could revoke a person’s membership, if that’s the appropriate response to a violation.  However, that’s the con’s decision, not yours as MD.  As MD, however, you should enforce your rules, including any about leaving a mess on the stage.  For such a violation, I would pause the masquerade immediately, have the house lights turned up, and announce from the MC’s lectern that the entry has been disqualified for violation of the masquerade rules.  (I did that once when a bozo in the audience used flash photography, and required the offender be ejected from the room before the show would resume. My rules banned flash photography from the audience and the MC had told the audience so before the show began.)
You may want to think about briefing the tech director, the stage manager, the head ninja, the MC, and the person’s den mom about the potential for inappropriate behavior.  I’m not certain you should take this step; however, if you do, emphasize the need to keep the briefing in camera.




On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:18 PM, Kevin Roche kevin@… [runacc] <> wrote:


Also — you *were* a witness to her behavior in the green room and you *are* the F&SF director.

If she enters, it is not inappropriate for *you* to say *to her* that you expect her to follow the rules and the code of conduct, which her behavior would have violated had she been in a CC competition. You actually witnessed the behavior, after all, and are not operating from hearsay.










Group: runacc Message: 2929 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama



I can’t add too much to this – Andy and Kevin pretty much covered it all.   Al I’d say is that glitter should be considered as part of the rule against “no messy substances”.




From: []
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 11:54 AM
Subject: [runacc] heading off drama

So I have a unique situation and would like some perspective from other past directors, green room staff, etc.

At CONvergence this year there was a performance that gave birth to a special snowflake of epic proportions. When she didn’t win, she took to Facebook lambasting everyone involved in the masquerade, from the judges to the director to who knows what. Another diva fed her ego by giving her incorrect facts he made by assumption, such as “the workmanship judges had no ICG experience” (one was the founder of MNSOC and the other was a former officer in MACS, both of whom have won Best in Show at Costume-Con), but this girl took it and ran with it, and her vitrol got so bad that the CVG masquerade director quit about a week after the con.

Now, I was a green room handler for this show, so I witnessed pretty much everything, and was observing in the deliberation room while the judges were deciding so I could snap up a Novice who didn’t win a major award and give them the free CC34 membership. I had no influence, I was merely an observer. The snowflake’s specific complaints are unfounded, she’s merely reacting out of a combo of severe sour grapes + unfortunate hinging of her mental state and coping skills on an award. However, now she has gone around to her friends and other costumers’ Facebooks openly declaring that she’s bringing this entry to CC34.

As the director for the SF&F, which she would be entering, how far is too far to go to balance her right to compete and bring a very nice costume to the stage versus preventing backstage drama and more sour grapes? We’ve all been witness to green room breakdowns and post-show griping about how the awards fell, hell we’ve probably been the ones to break down or complain. Lord knows I’ve lost my shit under stress. We also know plenty of people who are completely lovely 99% of the time but during a certain window of time before/during the masquerade, can become snowflakes themselves. So, I d! on’t want to blacklist her or lay extra rules on her just because I’ve witnessed her behavior, which stretched out for weeks after the con and involved slandering a lot of people who were only doing their jobs. But at the same time, I really don’t want her to pull this shit on CC in general. It’s not that we can’t handle drama, and I’m not ruffled from the director’s standpoint, but it’s a headache nobody really needs to deal with if we don’t have to.

I don’t want to give out too many details of her costume or performance in case some of my judges not-yet-picked are on the list, but it did involve set pieces which may be too large for our stage, plus some special effects which automatically violate CC’s rules. If she wanted to bring the entirety of her performance, she would have to cut out the effects entirely – which I think is actually the real point of her performance, not her costume so much – and depending on what we discover in terms of stage size and accessibility, her set pieces might (or might not) be too large for the stage. Technically, she should have been disqualified on the spot for violating the director’s permissions and putting glitter on the stage, but the director allowed her to be considered with the rest and she simply didn’t win an award. So, I do have inside knowledge that at least at CVG, she thought she could go over the director’s head and add an element to her performance that was not allowed. I’m actually less concerned about her taking to the internet to decry the unfairness of ICG rules and more concerned that she would pull a stunt like that and leave the stage covered in glitter and confetti and all she would get is a disqualification, while the stage crew is left cleaning up a mess before the photo run and all the other competitors would have to risk getting crap on their costumes.

Like I say, it’s sort of a unique situation in that I have inside information ahead of time. She isn’t yet registered ! for CC, but she sounds extremely determined to compete there. She seems to hold ICG-level competition in high regard, for what it’s worth.





Group: runacc Message: 2930 From: Sarah A Bloy Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama


A code of conduct for members at CC34 is not out of the realm of possibility.


On July 24, 2015, at 12:05 PM, “Andrew Trembley [runacc]” <> wrote:






On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:22 AM, [runacc] <> wrote:


Excellent advice, thanks guys. I’ll be able to formulate a prepared response based on those ideas.

I don’t think we have a code of conduct for CC34, however. I know all the contests have their rules posted, and if we don’t have a general weapons/costume policy posted we really should. Can you point me to an example of a code of conduct from a past CC or similar venue?

I mean, smaller cons always have rules but I don’t recall seeing some for CC before. Maybe I just never looked because I assumed we were all adults who knew how to handle ourselves and each other.

I’m probably also going to comb back through the SF&F rules to make sure there’s no ambiguous language. I feel like “don’t throw glitter on the stage” is already understood but I might want to state it outright.


—In, <byronpconnell@…> wrote :

Stace —

I agree with Kevin and Andy.  If, as I hope and expect, CC 34 has a code of conduct and informs every member that adherence to the code is required as a condition of membership, the con could revoke a person’s membership, if that’s the appropriate response to a violation.  However, that’s the con’s decision, not yours as MD.  As MD, however, you should enforce your rules, including any about leaving a mess on the stage.  For such a violation, I would pause the masquerade immediately, have the house lights turned up, and announce from the MC’s lectern that the entry has been disqualified for violation of the masquerade rules.  (I did that once when a bozo in the audience used flash photography, and required the offender be ejected from the room before the show would resume. My rules banned flash photography from the audience and the MC had told the audience so before the show began.)
You may want to think about briefing the tech director, the stage manager, the head ninja, the MC, and the person’s den mom about the potential for inappropriate behavior.  I’m not certain you should take this step; however, if you do, emphasize the need to keep the briefing in camera.




On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:18 PM, Kevin Roche kevin@… [runacc] <> wrote:


Also — you *were* a witness to her behavior in the green room and you *are* the F&SF director.

If she enters, it is not inappropriate for *you* to say *to her* that you expect her to follow the rules and the code of conduct, which her behavior would have violated had she been in a CC competition. You actually witnessed the behavior, after all, and are not operating from hearsay.











Group: runacc Message: 2931 From: Byron Connell Date: 7/24/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama


CC 33’s harassment policy is at  Of course, this isn’t a full code of conduct.





On Jul 24, 2015, at 7:35 PM, Sarah A Bloy [runacc] <> wrote:


A code of conduct for members at CC34 is not out of the realm of possibility.

On July 24, 2015, at 12:05 PM, “Andrew Trembley [runacc]” <> wrote:



On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:22 AM, [runacc] <> wrote:

Excellent advice, thanks guys. I’ll be able to formulate a prepared response based on those ideas.

I don’t think we have a code of conduct for CC34, however. I know all the contests have their rules posted, and if we don’t have a general weapons/costume policy posted we really should. Can you point me to an example of a code of conduct from a past CC or similar venue?

I mean, smaller cons always have rules but I don’t recall seeing some for CC before. Maybe I just never looked because I assumed we were all adults who knew how to handle ourselves and each other.

I’m probably also going to comb back through the SF&F rules to make sure there’s no ambiguous language. I feel like “don’t throw glitter on the stage” is already understood but I might want to state it outright.


—In, <byronpconnell@…> wrote :

Stace —

I agree with Kevin and Andy.  If, as I hope and expect, CC 34 has a code of conduct and informs every member that adherence to the code is required as a condition of membership, the con could revoke a person’s membership, if that’s the appropriate response to a violation.  However, that’s the con’s decision, not yours as MD.  As MD, however, you should enforce your rules, including any about leaving a mess on the stage.  For such a violation, I would pause the masquerade immediately, have the house lights turned up, and announce from the MC’s lectern that the entry has been disqualified for violation of the masquerade rules.  (I did that once when a bozo in the audience used flash photography, and required the offender be ejected from the room before the show would resume. My rules banned flash photography from the audience and the MC had told the audience so before the show began.)
You may want to think about briefing the tech director, the stage manager, the head ninja, the MC, and the person’s den mom about the potential for inappropriate behavior.  I’m not certain you should take this step; however, if you do, emphasize the need to keep the briefing in camera.




On Jul 23, 2015, at 1:18 PM, Kevin Roche kevin@… [runacc] <> wrote:


Also — you *were* a witness to her behavior in the green room and you *are* the F&SF director.

If she enters, it is not inappropriate for *you* to say *to her* that you expect her to follow the rules and the code of conduct, which her behavior would have violated had she been in a CC competition. You actually witnessed the behavior, after all, and are not operating from hearsay.











Group: runacc Message: 2932 From: Tina Connell Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
​I was talking to Byron about this while we were out running errands yesterday, and my reaction was that making a mess on stage should be considered like flash photography — ‘if you make a mess (in violation of the previously signed masquerade rules), the masquerade will be stopped until the contestant goes back on stage and completely cleans up his/her mess, or the contestant will be automatically disqualified.’  If you wanted, you could clarify ‘messy’ as ‘substances that may adhere to other costumes or clothing, such as but not limited to, glitter or sequins.’  Same thing with the weapons policy: if you break it, you’re broke (disqualified). You’re still almost a year out, so a change now shouldn’t raise eyebrows. Each contestant should, in any case, be given a copy to take with them, when they sign off on the masq. rules, so they can’t claim they didn’t know, after the fact.
The cautions in the Further Confusion Code of Conduct regarding body paint and hotel furniture are good ones. (Asking the hotel in writing to make available old ratty towels & washcloths for those in body makeup to clean up would be good, if the con com has not already done so.)
I would add to the masquerade rules or code of conduct cautions against body paint vs. other people’s costumes. There’s always somebody who is either oblivious or feels entitled, or who thinks that such considerations don’t apply to them. I personally was exposed to this attitude quite a while back. A very well-known and respected costumer (many years ago) was in full body blue grease paint, and I was den-momming a young lady in a snow white gown who was just ahead of her in the queue to go on stage. Every time I interposed myself between them (the person in blue kept impatiently crowding forward to within an inch or two) I got the nastiest looks from the encroacher for daring to think that a white costume might need to be protected from her grease paint.
Silly String: We found out the hard way when running a local con: SS will adhere to, and can stain, vinyl coated wallpaper, at least as it used to be formulated. The people in the affected guest room had to shell out quite a bit of money for the necessary redecorating and loss of service time.
Tina Connell


Group: runacc Message: 2933 From: Tina Connell Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
PS to my previous: In the case of pre-con entries, a copy of both the masq. rules and CoC could be sent back to the entrants along with the confirmation that their entry had been received. ​They may not bother reading them, but you’ll have documented proof that they were informed in advance.


Group: runacc Message: 2934 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 7/25/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama



I would think they’d have to sign something like that at the time of registration.   One would hope they’d at least read it before signing ANYthing.




From: []
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2015 8:17 AM
Subject: [runacc] Re: heading off drama

PS to my previous: In the case of pre-con entries, a copy of both the masq. rules and CoC could be sent back to the entrants along with the confirmation that their entry had been received. ​They may not bother reading them, but you’ll have documented proof that they were informed in advance.



Group: runacc Message: 2935 From: Christine Connell Date: 7/26/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama


Bruce, one always hopes that the contestants will read all of the paperworks, but we also know that there are always people who don’t, and then act aggrieved because the rules they agreed to came back to haunt them. “But why can’t I do (whatever)?” “Did you read the rules? It says right there in black and white that contestants can’t do (whatever) for safety reasons.” “Well, uh, not all the way through — there was a lot to read and I didn’t take the time.”





Group: runacc Message: 2936 From: Sarah Bloy Date: 8/2/2015
Subject: Rare Recorded Video
Greetings all!

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded Video for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing silence.  Can anyone put me in contact with them?



CC34 Chair


Group: runacc Message: 2937 From: spiritof_76 Date: 8/3/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video

Have you tried Eric Cannon on Facebook?


On 2015-08-02 18:32, Sarah Bloy [runacc]

> Greetings all!
> I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded
> Video for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing
> silence.  Can anyone put me in contact with them?
> Thanks.
> Sarah
> CC34 Chair


Group: runacc Message: 2938 From: lisa A Date: 8/3/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video


When I get back to my laptop I will email them for you
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone


——– Original message ——–
From: “Sarah Bloy [runacc]”
Date:08/02/2015 9:32 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video
Greetings all!

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded Video for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing silence.  Can anyone put me in contact with them?



CC34 Chair



Group: runacc Message: 2939 From: ma0902432 Date: 8/3/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
Sarah, PM me on FB or text me, and I Can give you Eric’s cell phone


I”m guessing you already did though.

Lisa a

On Sun, 2 Aug 2015 20:32:09 -0500 “Sarah Bloy
[runacc]” <> writes:

Greetings all!

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded Video
for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing silence. Can
anyone put me in contact with them?



CC34 Chair

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2940 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/4/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video
That email should supposedly work, but he’s also slow about answering. Took about a week or more for me to hear back from him.


—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video

Sarah, PM me on FB or text me, and I Can give you Eric’s cell phone number.


I”m guessing you already did though.

Lisa a

On Sun, 2 Aug 2015 20:32:09 -0500 “Sarah Bloy [runacc]” <> writes:

Greetings all!

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded Video for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing silence. Can anyone put me in contact with them?



CC34 Chair

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Posted by: <>

View the Document:

Yahoo Groups Links


Group: runacc Message: 2941 From: Trudy Leonard Date: 8/4/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video


I know that they’ve been traveling a fair amount this summer, too. May take them a while to catch up on everything.


Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 07:13:19 -0500
Subject: RE: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video


That email should supposedly work, but he’s also slow about answering. Took about a week or more for me to hear back from him.


—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video

Sarah, PM me on FB or text me, and I Can give you Eric’s cell phone number.


I”m guessing you already did though.

Lisa a

On Sun, 2 Aug 2015 20:32:09 -0500 “Sarah Bloy [runacc]” <> writes:

Greetings all!

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded Video for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing silence. Can anyone put me in contact with them?



CC34 Chair

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Posted by: <>

View the Document:

Yahoo Groups Links



Group: runacc Message: 2942 From: Kaijugal . Date: 8/13/2015
Subject: Re: Rare Recorded Video


Do they no longer use ?

Dawn McKechnie – President – Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada

Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 08:21:43 -0400
Subject: RE: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video



I know that they’ve been traveling a fair amount this summer, too. May take them a while to catch up on everything.


Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 07:13:19 -0500
Subject: RE: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video


That email should supposedly work, but he’s also slow about answering. Took about a week or more for me to hear back from him.


—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Rare Recorded Video

Sarah, PM me on FB or text me, and I Can give you Eric’s cell phone number.


I”m guessing you already did though.

Lisa a

On Sun, 2 Aug 2015 20:32:09 -0500 “Sarah Bloy [runacc]” <> writes:

Greetings all!

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the folks from Rare Recorded Video for a few months now, but I keep getting met with echoing silence. Can anyone put me in contact with them?



CC34 Chair

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Posted by: <>

View the Document:

Yahoo Groups Links




Group: runacc Message: 2943 From: Kaijugal . Date: 8/13/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama


Of course there will always be the egregious rule breakers who even when told not to something

will do it anyhow, (because by the time they have done it, it will already be too late and they know it), case in point the foam shooting dalek at CC32.

The best we can do is be clear up front what the rules and expectations are, and enforce those expectations by excluding repeat offenders, and those who’s bad behavior threatens others from our future shows and masquerades.

They will throw tantrums, and call you a tyrant and worse, but it’s our job as directors to choose between sparing ourselves the slings and arrows of the badly behaved and the greater good of the costuming community at large.

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 08:54:43 -0400
Subject: [runacc] Re: heading off drama


Bruce, one always hopes that the contestants will read all of the paperworks, but we also know that there are always people who don’t, and then act aggrieved because the rules they agreed to came back to haunt them. “But why can’t I do (whatever)?” “Did you read the rules? It says right there in black and white that contestants can’t do (whatever) for safety reasons.” “Well, uh, not all the way through — there was a lot to read and I didn’t take the time.”





Group: runacc Message: 2944 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/14/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
And if they violate the rules – you disqualify them. I too point at the


From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:51 PM
Subject: RE: [runacc] Re: heading off drama

Of course there will always be the egregious rule breakers who even when
told not to something

will do it anyhow, (because by the time they have done it, it will already
be too late and they know it), case in point the foam shooting dalek at

The best we can do is be clear up front what the rules and expectations are,
and enforce those expectations by excluding repeat offenders, and those
who’s bad behavior threatens others from our future shows and masquerades.

They will throw tantrums, and call you a tyrant and worse, but it’s our job
as directors to choose between sparing ourselves the slings and arrows of
the badly behaved and the greater good of the costuming community at large.


Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 08:54:43 -0400
Subject: [runacc] Re: heading off drama

Bruce, one always hopes that the contestants will read all of the
paperworks, but we also know that there are always people who don’t, and
then act aggrieved because the rules they agreed to came back to haunt them.
“But why can’t I do (whatever)?” “Did you read the rules? It says right
there in black and white that contestants can’t do (whatever) for safety
reasons.” “Well, uh, not all the way through – there was a lot to read and I
didn’t take the time.”


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2945 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 8/14/2015
Subject: Re: heading off drama
Drama is always worse when you don’t enforce the rules.



On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 3:57 PM ‘Nora & Bruce Mai’ [runacc] <> wrote:

And if they violate the rules – you disqualify them. I too point at the


From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:51 PM
Subject: RE: [runacc] Re: heading off drama

Of course there will always be the egregious rule breakers who even when
told not to something

will do it anyhow, (because by the time they have done it, it will already
be too late and they know it), case in point the foam shooting dalek at

The best we can do is be clear up front what the rules and expectations are,
and enforce those expectations by excluding repeat offenders, and those
who’s bad behavior threatens others from our future shows and masquerades.

They will throw tantrums, and call you a tyrant and worse, but it’s our job
as directors to choose between sparing ourselves the slings and arrows of
the badly behaved and the greater good of the costuming community at large.


Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 08:54:43 -0400
Subject: [runacc] Re: heading off drama

Bruce, one always hopes that the contestants will read all of the
paperworks, but we also know that there are always people who don’t, and
then act aggrieved because the rules they agreed to came back to haunt them.
“But why can’t I do (whatever)?” “Did you read the rules? It says right
there in black and white that contestants can’t do (whatever) for safety
reasons.” “Well, uh, not all the way through – there was a lot to read and I
didn’t take the time.”


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Group: runacc Message: 2946 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos



A recent post to the CC34 FB page prompted this thought.

Of course we’d be the ones to bring up a question like this!   We’re such wonks when it comes to this stuff.

So, we were talking about  the fact that we’d not gotten the official photos from CC33 yet – we understand that Ken has been pretty busy and only recently started sending stuff out.   But this raised a few questions.   Perhaps some of this can only be answered by Karen, since she’s the Service Mark holder, but there are also other questions/points of interest for pending/future CC committees should be thinking about.

As many of you know, Nora has been helping Karen by getting the official CC photos uploaded to the CC Gallery site, as well as providing the data for said photos.    She reminded them to take into account with their official photographer to make sure that a set is produced for the convention archives.

This got us to thinking.   Thanks to Betsy’s efforts (and others) somehow, the site has a pretty complete record of the major events, and some of the ancillary ones like the Doll Shows, etc.    However, in recent year, it’s become more difficult to obtain the official photos (and sometimes the data) in a timely manner – and in one or two cases, at all.   It has been our assumption that the concoms were required to provide these materials, as part of the Constitution.   But I did a little digging, and discovered that this is not actually specifically delineated.   The closest reference I found that might apply was in paragraph  1.2 Costume-Con Conference Licensing: “Additionally, the Costume-Con conference committee shall send one copy of all publications to the Service Mark Holders to assure that the requirements of 1.1.1 are being maintained.”


To us, this is pretty vague for applying to what is, supposedly, one of the most important functions of maintaining  records.   And that seems to be more about pubs before the convention.    Pierre’s always been good about snatching up running lists, and Byron always makes sure both Archives gets the records from the shows he runs.   In the past, there’s always just been a  reliance on individuals and the photographers to get the necessary materials.   To our knowledge, some of the sets of photos used on the CC site have been paid for out of pocket either by Pierre, maybe one or two by us, and some have been provided by the conventions.

I’ve run this thought past Karen, and we (Nora and me) are thinking something needs to be defined more clearly in the Constitution about making it a requirement of the concoms to make sure all records are collected and turned over to the CC Archives.   I would think, since our hobby is now a recognized art form, this becomes even more important for the future.

I think another thing, specifically, needs to be a set of photos needs to be part of a concom’s budget.   In the case of CC21, I can’t access the site at this writing (the site appears to be having problems), but I remember photos being hideously expensive so purchasing an entire set of pictures was not affordable  – can Henry confirm there was/is a representative photo from all the events?   As a separate , for the purposes of promotion of the con, should there be a certain timeliness to getting  photos to the Archives?   Or, with social media, does it matter as much?   (Keeping in mind that no one has the same access to social media.)

Thoughts and suggestions as to wording for an amendment Karen can make?




Group: runacc Message: 2947 From: spiritof_76 Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
I made it part of my deal with the photographer to get a set for the



Group: runacc Message: 2948 From: spiritof_76 Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Costume-Con Award Ribbon Archives?
An idea I’ve had for a while and prompted by Bruce’s post about photos.
What about putting together a visual archive of CC award ribbons? I’m
sure the Pettingers have most of them. 😉



Group: runacc Message: 2949 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
I kinda suspected that. Much appreciated.


—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos

I made it part of my deal with the photographer to get a set for the convention.


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Group: runacc Message: 2950 From: Betsy Marks Delaney Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
I used to deal directly with the con chair and the photographer to get the photos. As you may have noticed, CC21 was a particularly tough deal, as the need for archives was not adequately expressed to the photographer in question, and it took some doing to get whatever there was from him.
Yes, I think it should be part of the ConStitution. Yes, I think CC committees ought to budget for it. And yes, I think EVERY coordinator of every event ought to be thinking about the archives and storing the data long term, not just on websites that are just for the con. When I launched Costume-ConNections in the 90s, the web was still relatively new. It took over a year just to acquire what was there, and in some cases even longer as it was proved that there were no official photos for some costumes. And it was a conscious decision on my part to concentrate only on competitions and not on the other possible sources of photos, because we were already in the 10s of thousands for images.
Archivists shouldn’t have to beg for run lists and awards lists and for photos and video. These things should come automatically and be planned for in advance, not afterthoughts for after the event is over.
My not so humble opinion, born of years of legwork running down the materials I did collect from the first 25 years of CC history.
Your mileage may vary.



On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 1:17 PM, ‘Nora & Bruce Mai’ [runacc] <> wrote:

I kinda suspected that.   Much appreciated.


—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos

I made it part of my deal with the photographer to get a set for the convention.


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Betsy Marks Delaney



Group: runacc Message: 2951 From: Kevin Roche Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: Costume-Con Award Ribbon Archives?

I believe cc26 donated a set to both the ICG archives and the Fan Archives

On Saturday, August 29, 2015, [runacc] <> wrote:

An idea I’ve had for a while and prompted by Bruce’s post about photos.
What about putting together a visual archive of CC award ribbons?  I’m
sure the Pettingers have most of them.  😉


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Group: runacc Message: 2952 From: axejudge Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos

My comment is that the photographer should be *required* to photograph ALL events – not just the masquerades.  This has been a problem in recent years.



On 2015-08-29 16:21, ‘Nora & Bruce Mai’ [runacc] wrote:



A recent post to the CC34 FB page prompted this thought.

Of course we’d be the ones to bring up a question like this!   We’re such wonks when it comes to this stuff.

So, we were talking about  the fact that we’d not gotten the official photos from CC33 yet – we understand that Ken has been pretty busy and only recently started sending stuff out.   But this raised a few questions.   Perhaps some of this can only be answered by Karen, since she’s the Service Mark holder, but there are also other questions/points of interest for pending/future CC committees should be thinking about.

As many of you know, Nora has been helping Karen by getting the official CC photos uploaded to the CC Gallery site, as well as providing the data for said photos.    She reminded them to take into account with their official photographer to make sure that a set is produced for the convention archives.

This got us to thinking.   Thanks to Betsy’s efforts (and others) somehow, the site has a pretty complete record of the major events, and some of the ancillary ones like the Doll Shows, etc.    However, in recent year, it’s become more difficult to obtain the official photos (and sometimes the data) in a timely manner – and in one or two cases, at all.   It has been our assumption that the concoms were required to provide these materials, as part of the Constitution.   But I did a little digging, and discovered that this is not actually specifically delineated.   The closest reference I found that might apply was in paragraph  1.2 Costume-Con Conference Licensing: “Additionally, the Costume-Con conference committee shall send one copy of all publications to the Service Mark Holders to assure that the requirements of 1.1.1 are being maintained.”

To us, this is pretty vague for applying to what is, supposedly, one of the most important functions of maintaining  records.   And that seems to be more about pubs before the convention.    Pierre’s always been good about snatching up running lists, and Byron always makes sure both Archives gets the records from the shows he runs.   In the past, there’s always just been a  reliance on individuals and the photographers to get the necessary materials.   To our knowledge, some of the sets of photos used on the CC site have been paid for out of pocket either by Pierre, maybe one or two by us, and some have been provided by the conventions.

I’ve run this thought past Karen, and we (Nora and me) are thinking something needs to be defined more clearly in the Constitution about making it a requirement of the concoms to make sure all records are collected and turned over to the CC Archives.   I would think, since our hobby is now a recognized art form, this becomes even more important for the future.

I think another thing, specifically, needs to be a set of photos needs to be part of a concom’s budget.   In the case of CC21, I can’t access the site at this writing (the site appears to be having problems), but I remember photos being hideously expensive so purchasing an entire set of pictures was not affordable  – can Henry confirm there was/is a representative photo from all the events?   As a separate , for the purposes of promotion of the con, should there be a certain timeliness to getting  photos to the Archives?   Or, with social media, does it matter as much?   (Keeping in mind that no one has the same access to social media.)

Thoughts and suggestions as to wording for an amendment Karen can make?





Group: runacc Message: 2953 From: Christine Connell Date: 8/29/2015
Subject: Re: The Costume-Con Archives – especially photos
I’ll look back through my past CC photos. I frequently take photos of the exhibits and doll competitions, and more recently, some of the quilts. If I’ve already submitted some, any duplicates I dig up and send can be ignored, of course. May take me a while, though. Up until just a few years ago, everything was film, not digital.

As many of you know, I particularly like to get close-ups of the neat little detail bits that most people never get to see. A lot of the photos I’ve got were ones in the Green Room or halls, since I seldom actually get to see the masquerade from the audience.




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