Yahoo Archive: Page 48 of 67


Messages in runacc group. Page 48 of 67.

Group: runacc Message: 2351 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
Group: runacc Message: 2352 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
Group: runacc Message: 2353 From: Martin Gear Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
Group: runacc Message: 2354 From: Kaijugal . Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
Group: runacc Message: 2355 From: Martin Gear Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
Group: runacc Message: 2356 From: Aurora Celeste Date: 9/20/2011
Subject: Programming
Group: runacc Message: 2358 From: Date: 10/12/2011
Subject: Re: (unknown)
Group: runacc Message: 2359 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 10/13/2011
Subject: Re: Digest Number 625
Group: runacc Message: 2360 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 10/13/2011
Subject: Re: Digest Number 625
Group: runacc Message: 2361 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Problems we don’t think we have…
Group: runacc Message: 2362 From: Aurora Celeste Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Re: Problems we don’t think we have…
Group: runacc Message: 2363 From: Byron Connell Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Re: Problems we don’t think we have…
Group: runacc Message: 2364 From: Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Re: Problems we don’t think we have…
Group: runacc Message: 2365 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 11/22/2011
Subject: Uh Oh
Group: runacc Message: 2366 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 11/22/2011
Subject: Never mind
Group: runacc Message: 2367 From: Pierre & Sandy Pettinger Date: 12/27/2011
Subject: CC Runway sign-up opens in ONE WEEK!
Group: runacc Message: 2368 From: Elaine Mami Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: updates, please
Group: runacc Message: 2369 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 2/3/2012
Subject: Re: Digest Number 630
Group: runacc Message: 2370 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 2/3/2012
Subject: Re: Digest Number 630
Group: runacc Message: 2371 From: Kevin Roche, Costume-Con 26 Chair Date: 2/4/2012
Subject: Re: Digest Number 630
Group: runacc Message: 2372 From: Kevin Roche Date: 2/6/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please
Group: runacc Message: 2373 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 2/7/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please
Group: runacc Message: 2374 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 2/12/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please
Group: runacc Message: 2375 From: Kevin Roche, Costume-Con 26 Chair Date: 2/12/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please
Group: runacc Message: 2376 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 2/19/2012
Subject: CC promo video on line
Group: runacc Message: 2377 From: Michael Date: 3/26/2012
Subject: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2378 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2379 From: Martin Gear Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2380 From: Kevin Roche Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2381 From: Margie Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2382 From: Byron Connell Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2383 From: Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2384 From: Byron Connell Date: 3/28/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2385 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 4/2/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2386 From: Kaijugal . Date: 4/3/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2387 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 4/3/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Group: runacc Message: 2388 From: Betsy Marks Delaney Date: 5/29/2012
Subject: Fwd: [ICG-D] CON Runners’ Guide: Working with Masquerade Photographe
Group: runacc Message: 2389 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 5/31/2012
Subject: SLCG CC30 Review on the way
Group: runacc Message: 2390 From: Bruce Date: 6/4/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Opening Remarks
Group: runacc Message: 2391 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/5/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Hotel and Registration
Group: runacc Message: 2392 From: Date: 6/5/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Hotel and Registration
Group: runacc Message: 2393 From: Bruce Date: 6/5/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Program Book
Group: runacc Message: 2394 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/7/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Con Suite
Group: runacc Message: 2395 From: Byron Connell Date: 6/7/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Con Suite
Group: runacc Message: 2396 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits
Group: runacc Message: 2397 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: The Ribbon Project
Group: runacc Message: 2398 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Costume-Con Review – Runacc: Panel Programming
Group: runacc Message: 2399 From: Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits
Group: runacc Message: 2400 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits
Group: runacc Message: 2401 From: Lisa Ashton Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits



Group: runacc Message: 2351 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
No reason why that can’t be done, either included in the thing I’m working
on or as a separate project.Bruce

—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf Of
Kevin Roche, Costume-Con 26 Chair
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] A different kind of CC promotion idea

Or, (shameless plug) make CC promotion a special category in the Video
masquerade/Film Festival



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Group: runacc Message: 2352 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
This is a little different approach than what Carl’s done. Lots of fast
editing, etc.Bruce

—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf Of
Elaine Mami
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 3:41 PM
To: Betsy D
Subject: RE: [runacc] A different kind of CC promotion idea


As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Carl always shot the entire stage. It’s really
the only way to get the whole “message” of a costume entry cross.

Nil significat nisi oscillat!

4. The best way to see to get the kinds of shots needed, other than taking
people outside, might be to have a stage(d) approach instead. In other
words, shoot everything on stage. Not the most exciting background, but
some of that could be overcome by direction and camera angles. I’m sure
there are plenty of videos of, oh, say, fashion shows that could give cues
as to how to shoot. Maybe there are some anime con vids out there that do
that – I haven’t seen enough to really know, yet. I have an idea in my
head of one way to shoot a vid like this, but it would help to know what
people are bringing, ahead of time. But, it could also work through
creative improvisation, too. Kind of an interactive photo line, where each
entry briefly acknowledges the other as they enter or exit the stage.



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No virus found in this message.
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Version: 10.0.1410 / Virus Database: 1520/3902 – Release Date: 09/17/11


Group: runacc Message: 2353 From: Martin Gear Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea

Re the “static staged shots”:
The official photographer at North American Disc World this year took
pictures in front of a “green screen” and then filled the background in
with an appropriate graphic. How difficult with that be to do with
video? Also I may have contact information for you for someone who does
original music for internet radio plays if the person that you are
talking with doesn’t work out.

On 9/17/2011 4:06 PM, Nora & Bruce Mai wrote:
> Aurora:
> I’ve had some identical ideas to those you’ve mentioned. I’m gearing up
> some of them now. My background from many, many years ago was in
> broadcasting. So this kind of work is up my alley. I’ll be doing a lot of
> productions in the next few years once I’ve got the majority of Archive
> material ripped out to usable clips, but I’m open to more ideas and
> willing
> to work with you on something. I’m already working on a informative promo
> for CC30, a special retrospective to be shown (hopefully) before the
> SF masq
> and a few other things for the future.
> If the music sources Dawn and Aurora have mentioned are any indicator,
> then
> there’s plenty of opportunity, although I wouldn’t even know where to
> start
> on that score. I got a note back from the guy who did the DC vid, and he
> acknowledged there’s not copyright protection. But, not surprisingly, when
> you’re a low-traffic poster, you’re under the radar pretty much, and I
> believe the first step is when a company complains to Youtube, they
> take you
> down. <Shrug>. With my Archive work so far, I’m relying on royalty-free
> music from a site that I donate money to. The guy also does commissions on
> a sliding scale. I don’t know if he can put out the kind of music in the
> anime vids or not, but I’m sure he’d give it a go.
> As to the wider discussion of promotion, here’s more grist for the mill in
> regards to music videos:
> 1. I think the audience target would be somewhat different, since our
> community is made up of all ages. First question would be: Are we (the
> community) “hip” enough, since this still would be targeted towards a
> young(ish) online “market”? We have a good number of younger
> costumers, and
> are attracting more, but there are a lot of us baby-boomers.
> 2. The approach would have to be somewhat different, because many costumes
> at CC are of original design. That would affect the music choice,
> certainly. And, the biggest appeal to those who consume the vids is
> identifying their favorite characters brought to life. So we would have to
> figure out how to “glamorize” (for lack of a better term) our
> costumers in a
> way so that they have their own appeal. I like how, in the vid I posted,
> there’s a little interaction between characters – the Harry Potter
> group is
> a prime example. Most times, production is more like video portraits,
> though. I would think our folks would need to do a little more shtick,
> rather than be static.
> 3. I just wrote that vid guy back, questioning how he corrals that many
> people for a shoot. Knowing how notoriously difficult it is to herd
> costumer “cats”, nailing people down could be extraordinarily difficult.
> 4. The best way to see to get the kinds of shots needed, other than taking
> people outside, might be to have a stage(d) approach instead. In other
> words, shoot everything on stage. Not the most exciting background, but
> some of that could be overcome by direction and camera angles. I’m sure
> there are plenty of videos of, oh, say, fashion shows that could give cues
> as to how to shoot. Maybe there are some anime con vids out there that do
> that – I haven’t seen enough to really know, yet. I have an idea in my
> head of one way to shoot a vid like this, but it would help to know what
> people are bringing, ahead of time. But, it could also work through
> creative improvisation, too. Kind of an interactive photo line, where each
> entry briefly acknowledges the other as they enter or exit the stage.
> Thoughts?
> Bruce
> —–Original Message—–
> From: <>
> [ <>] On
> Behalf Of
> Aurora Celeste
> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 10:12 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [runacc] A different kind of CC promotion idea
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Nora & Bruce Mai
> < <>>wrote:
> >
> I don’t think it would hurt. It may not work as well if it doesn’t have at
> least a few easily recognizable characters in it, though. That said, I
> love
> the two examples posted, although they both had some skin-tastic costumes
> they seemed to focus on costumes and faces and not T&A.
> I have seriously toyed with filming a series of informative shorts at a
> costume con one of these years to be kinda like a video Q&A for all the
> unique things about a Costume Con: This is the Historical Masquerade, This
> is the Future Fashion Show, etc. If I did that I’d also really try to do a
> short retrospective on some CC history, ICG History, and
> memories/recollections of costumers past for retrospectives. I think both
> would be really worthwhile.
> If I had a camera . . . and time 😛
> I don’t think copyrighted music would be as big of a problem, there are
> plenty of fandom-friendly bands we could hit up.
> te: 09/15/11

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2354 From: Kaijugal . Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea

You can do it on a MAC computer with iMovie:


Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 16:24:49 -0400
Subject: Re: [runacc] A different kind of CC promotion idea


Re the “static staged shots”:

The official photographer at North American Disc World this year took

pictures in front of a “green screen” and then filled the background in

with an appropriate graphic. How difficult with that be to do with

video? Also I may have contact information for you for someone who does

original music for internet radio plays if the person that you are

talking with doesn’t work out.


On 9/17/2011 4:06 PM, Nora & Bruce Mai wrote:


> Aurora:


> I’ve had some identical ideas to those you’ve mentioned. I’m gearing up

> some of them now. My background from many, many years ago was in

> broadcasting. So this kind of work is up my alley. I’ll be doing a lot of

> productions in the next few years once I’ve got the majority of Archive

> material ripped out to usable clips, but I’m open to more ideas and

> willing

> to work with you on something. I’m already working on a informative promo

> for CC30, a special retrospective to be shown (hopefully) before the

> SF masq

> and a few other things for the future.


> If the music sources Dawn and Aurora have mentioned are any indicator,

> then

> there’s plenty of opportunity, although I wouldn’t even know where to

> start

> on that score. I got a note back from the guy who did the DC vid, and he

> acknowledged there’s not copyright protection. But, not surprisingly, when

> you’re a low-traffic poster, you’re under the radar pretty much, and I

> believe the first step is when a company complains to Youtube, they

> take you

> down. <Shrug>. With my Archive work so far, I’m relying on royalty-free

> music from a site that I donate money to. The guy also does commissions on

> a sliding scale. I don’t know if he can put out the kind of music in the

> anime vids or not, but I’m sure he’d give it a go.


> As to the wider discussion of promotion, here’s more grist for the mill in

> regards to music videos:


> 1. I think the audience target would be somewhat different, since our

> community is made up of all ages. First question would be: Are we (the

> community) “hip” enough, since this still would be targeted towards a

> young(ish) online “market”? We have a good number of younger

> costumers, and

> are attracting more, but there are a lot of us baby-boomers.


> 2. The approach would have to be somewhat different, because many costumes

> at CC are of original design. That would affect the music choice,

> certainly. And, the biggest appeal to those who consume the vids is

> identifying their favorite characters brought to life. So we would have to

> figure out how to “glamorize” (for lack of a better term) our

> costumers in a

> way so that they have their own appeal. I like how, in the vid I posted,

> there’s a little interaction between characters – the Harry Potter

> group is

> a prime example. Most times, production is more like video portraits,

> though. I would think our folks would need to do a little more shtick,

> rather than be static.


> 3. I just wrote that vid guy back, questioning how he corrals that many

> people for a shoot. Knowing how notoriously difficult it is to herd

> costumer “cats”, nailing people down could be extraordinarily difficult.


> 4. The best way to see to get the kinds of shots needed, other than taking

> people outside, might be to have a stage(d) approach instead. In other

> words, shoot everything on stage. Not the most exciting background, but

> some of that could be overcome by direction and camera angles. I’m sure

> there are plenty of videos of, oh, say, fashion shows that could give cues

> as to how to shoot. Maybe there are some anime con vids out there that do

> that – I haven’t seen enough to really know, yet. I have an idea in my

> head of one way to shoot a vid like this, but it would help to know what

> people are bringing, ahead of time. But, it could also work through

> creative improvisation, too. Kind of an interactive photo line, where each

> entry briefly acknowledges the other as they enter or exit the stage.


> Thoughts?


> Bruce


> —–Original Message—–

> From: <>

> [ <>] On

> Behalf Of

> Aurora Celeste

> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 10:12 PM

> To: <>

> Subject: Re: [runacc] A different kind of CC promotion idea


> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Nora & Bruce Mai

> < <>>wrote:


> >

> I don’t think it would hurt. It may not work as well if it doesn’t have at

> least a few easily recognizable characters in it, though. That said, I

> love

> the two examples posted, although they both had some skin-tastic costumes

> they seemed to focus on costumes and faces and not T&A.


> I have seriously toyed with filming a series of informative shorts at a

> costume con one of these years to be kinda like a video Q&A for all the

> unique things about a Costume Con: This is the Historical Masquerade, This

> is the Future Fashion Show, etc. If I did that I’d also really try to do a

> short retrospective on some CC history, ICG History, and

> memories/recollections of costumers past for retrospectives. I think both

> would be really worthwhile.


> If I had a camera . . . and time 😛


> I don’t think copyrighted music would be as big of a problem, there are

> plenty of fandom-friendly bands we could hit up.


> te: 09/15/11



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2355 From: Martin Gear Date: 9/18/2011
Subject: Re: A different kind of CC promotion idea
Dawn –
Who is this “Mac” of whom you speak?Marty
(Who knows about chroma key, but doesn’t speak either “Mac” or the “V”


Group: runacc Message: 2356 From: Aurora Celeste Date: 9/20/2011
Subject: Programming
Because I always love to start a good fight by speaking my mind I’ve
recently reposted an essay on my journal about what’s wrong with con
programming and how to fix it. Feel free to comment there or here, I’d love


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




Group: runacc Message: 2358 From: Date: 10/12/2011
Subject: Re: (unknown)

Quoting Dora Buck <>:

> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


So,is this one of those virus-links (from Dora’s computer)?



Group: runacc Message: 2359 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 10/13/2011
Subject: Re: Digest Number 625

Please don’t click through any of the messages from Dora until you
hear from her that the virus is clear. I’m aiming to put her on
moderated status until the mess clears up, but if any others get
through, please delete them.



On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:50 PM, <> wrote:
> There are 2 messages in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1a. (no subject)
>    From: Dora Buck
> 1b. Re: (unknown)
>    From:
> Messages
> ________________________________________________________________________
> 1a. (no subject)
>    Posted by: “Dora Buck” dfaybuck
>    Date: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:13 pm ((PDT))
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Messages in this topic (2)
> ________________________________________________________________________
> 1b. Re: (unknown)
>    Posted by: “ bddance_guy
>    Date: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:59 pm ((PDT))
> Quoting Dora Buck <>:
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> So,is this one of those virus-links (from Dora’s computer)?
> Charles
> Messages in this topic (2)
> View the Document:
> ————————————————————————
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ————————————————————————

Betsy Marks Delaney


Group: runacc Message: 2360 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 10/13/2011
Subject: Re: Digest Number 625

Done. Please let me know when the email address is
clear again and I’ll remove the moderation.



On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Betsy Delaney <> wrote:
> Please don’t click through any of the messages from Dora until you
> hear from her that the virus is clear. I’m aiming to put her on
> moderated status until the mess clears up, but if any others get
> through, please delete them.
> Thanks,
> Betsy
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:50 PM,  <> wrote:
>> There are 2 messages in this issue.
>> Topics in this digest:
>> 1a. (no subject)
>>    From: Dora Buck
>> 1b. Re: (unknown)
>>    From:
>> Messages
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> 1a. (no subject)
>>    Posted by: “Dora Buck” dfaybuck
>>    Date: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:13 pm ((PDT))
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> Messages in this topic (2)
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> 1b. Re: (unknown)
>>    Posted by: “ bddance_guy
>>    Date: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:59 pm ((PDT))
>> Quoting Dora Buck <>:
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> So,is this one of those virus-links (from Dora’s computer)?
>> Charles
>> Messages in this topic (2)
>> View the Document:
>> ————————————————————————
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> ————————————————————————
> —
> —
> —
> Betsy Marks Delaney

Betsy Marks Delaney


Group: runacc Message: 2361 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Problems we don’t think we have…
Take a moment to read this. before you start responding with “but we’re family, we’re not like
that, we’re not AnyCon” consider this happened at World Fantasy Con, a
very niche convention that’s primarily attended by a small-ish
tight-knit community of genre lit professionals and serious literary
fans, with a collegial and genteel reputation. Like us, they don’t have
door badgers, security staff, huge committees. Like us, there’s a
significant attendee base that travels to the con almost every year and
has a strong investment in seeing it succeed.

We don’t have to fundamentally change our environment because of this.
But we do have to be ready to recognize warning signs, take reports and
work with hotel security if we encounter an attendee whose behavior
crosses the line.

Because this situation should have never played out the way it did for
as long as it did.



Group: runacc Message: 2362 From: Aurora Celeste Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Re: Problems we don’t think we have…

They could be closer than people think, last year the KCCG made a very uncomfortable decision to tell a person they were no longer welcome at group meetings because they insinuated them self into conversations where they weren’t welcome, wouldn’t take no for an answer, constantly tried to change costuming conversations to something ‘more interesting’ and leered at female members; all incidents added up to where the guild had more than a handful of people either avoiding memberships or avoiding events because they didn’t want to interact with this person. I regret that it took so many complaints for the leadership (and myself personally, not as leadership but as someone who knew all parties and the situation) to take action. This person has attended Costume Cons in the past and very well could again, and while I hope that some of the message transmitted will modify the behavior (and I have seen that to a small extent from the distance I’m at) it could have easily escalated instead.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 1, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Andrew Trembley <> wrote:

> Take a moment to read this.
> Now before you start responding with “but we’re family, we’re not like
> that, we’re not AnyCon” consider this happened at World Fantasy Con, a
> very niche convention that’s primarily attended by a small-ish
> tight-knit community of genre lit professionals and serious literary
> fans, with a collegial and genteel reputation. Like us, they don’t have
> door badgers, security staff, huge committees. Like us, there’s a
> significant attendee base that travels to the con almost every year and
> has a strong investment in seeing it succeed.
> We don’t have to fundamentally change our environment because of this.
> But we do have to be ready to recognize warning signs, take reports and
> work with hotel security if we encounter an attendee whose behavior
> crosses the line.
> Because this situation should have never played out the way it did for
> as long as it did.
> andy
> ————————————
> View the Document:! Groups Links


Group: runacc Message: 2363 From: Byron Connell Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Re: Problems we don’t think we have…

There just has been a huge and confusing discussion of this on the Arisia staff discussion list.

Every Costume-Con ought to have an adopted and published set of regulations governing the conduct of its members. The ConStitution authorizes it to do so:

“1.5.3 Restriction of Memberships

“Each Costume-Con conference committee shall have the right to limit the activities of its attendees, either individually or in groups, insofar as such activities endanger, physically or legally, other persons or property. Such limitations may include, but are not limited to, closing down parties, ejecting persons from the Costume-Con conference, or turning offenders over to other authorities. No refund of membership need be given in such circumstances. Each member, in purchasing his/her membership, agrees to abide by this ConStitution.”

To be enforceable, the con needs to give reasonable notice of the regulations’ existence. It can do so by publishing the regulations on its Web site and in the program book. That does not mean that every member will have read the regulations; however, “ignorance of the law is no excuse” for violating it. A con might consider requiring members to accept “terms and conditions,” one of which is to abide by the con’s regulations, as part of the process of purchasing a membership. Albacon is considering doing so. The con needs to have procedures through which allegation that someone violated the regulations may be brought [e.g., to whom do you complain?], the procedure the con will use in response, and the penalties for violations.


On Nov 1, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Andrew Trembley wrote:

> Take a moment to read this.
> Now before you start responding with “but we’re family, we’re not like
> that, we’re not AnyCon” consider this happened at World Fantasy Con, a
> very niche convention that’s primarily attended by a small-ish
> tight-knit community of genre lit professionals and serious literary
> fans, with a collegial and genteel reputation. Like us, they don’t have
> door badgers, security staff, huge committees. Like us, there’s a
> significant attendee base that travels to the con almost every year and
> has a strong investment in seeing it succeed.
> We don’t have to fundamentally change our environment because of this.
> But we do have to be ready to recognize warning signs, take reports and
> work with hotel security if we encounter an attendee whose behavior
> crosses the line.
> Because this situation should have never played out the way it did for
> as long as it did.
> andy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2364 From: Date: 11/1/2011
Subject: Re: Problems we don’t think we have…

We have a creeper here. During the formation of DCCS, we specifically
wrote rules for disciplinary actions, for when this person acted up
again. He is in his mid-late 20’s. He was home schooled and is pretty
much unsocialized. He used to follow girls around at conventions with a
video camera. A number of years ago he followed a con-com members
daughter into the bathroom. Fortunate for him, he fled the hotel before
her father found him. He seems to have toned down his creeping since
finding a girl to marry him. As far as I know he still lives in his
parents basement. He’s also publicly slandered DCCS, he removes our
fliers at conventions and replaces them with his own manifesto on the
evils of the DCCS.

Creepers are everywhere.


On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 17:18:32 -0400, Aurora Celeste wrote:
> They could be closer than people think, last year the KCCG made a
> very uncomfortable decision to tell a person they were no longer
> welcome at group meetings because they insinuated them self into
> conversations where they weren’t welcome, wouldn’t take no for an
> answer, constantly tried to change costuming conversations to
> something ‘more interesting’ and leered at female members; all
> incidents added up to where the guild had more than a handful of
> people either avoiding memberships or avoiding events because they
> didn’t want to interact with this person. I regret that it took so
> many complaints for the leadership (and myself personally, not as
> leadership but as someone who knew all parties and the situation) to
> take action. This person has attended Costume Cons in the past and
> very well could again, and while I hope that some of the message
> transmitted will modify the behavior (and I have seen that to a small
> extent from the distance I’m at) it could have easily escalated
> instead.


Group: runacc Message: 2365 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 11/22/2011
Subject: Uh Oh

Costume Connections Visual Archive is broke:

Thank you for visiting Costume-Connections. Unfortunately, the page you
requested is unavailable.

(500: Internal Server Error – A problem may exist with the program or script
being run.)

We’re sorry! Apparently we goofed, and the program or script used with this
web page is broken. Please
contact us immediately and let us know:

* What form you were trying to submit.
* What page you were visiting when the problem occurred.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and will try to fix the error as quickly
as possible.

In the meanwhile, please use the form below to visit another part of our web


Text to Search For:



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2366 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 11/22/2011
Subject: Never mind

Temporary burp. (that was weird)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2367 From: Pierre & Sandy Pettinger Date: 12/27/2011
Subject: CC Runway sign-up opens in ONE WEEK!

With apologies for multi-posts, since this is going to many lists:

Costume-Con 30’s new competition, CC Runway, will open for sign-up in
ONE WEEK! We are looking for up to 10 entrants to show off their
design and construction skills in this homage to the popular TV
contest, “Project Runway”.

Information may be found at the CostumeCon 30 website, as follows:
(alt-click to go to the link)

Please consider entering this new competition, and plan to attend
Costume-Con 30! Remember, membership rates go up on Jan.1!

See you there!

Pierre and Sandy Pettinger
CC Runway Directors

International Costumers’ Guild Archivist

“Those Who Fail to Learn History
Are Doomed to Repeat It;
Those Who Fail To Learn History Correctly –
Why They Are Simply Doomed.”

“The Illusion of Historical Fact”
— C. Y. 4971



Group: runacc Message: 2368 From: Elaine Mami Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: updates, please


I’m hoping you own the & .org sites. I would like to have them updated to reflect CC 30 and the next 3 CCs – but mostly 30.

If not you, then who do I need to bug?


Nil significat nisi oscillat!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2369 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 2/3/2012
Subject: Re: Digest Number 630

Hi, Elaine and all!

Because I was concerned about my ability to continue attending CCs (proven,
sadly, to be correct) I stepped down as site admin around CC25 and gave
Karen the keys to her site. has always been Karen’s site.

I know there are still folks who have been helping keep the Gallery
Archives up to date, but I haven’t really touched the content of the site
in three or four years.

Sad to say, every year for the past three something has taken the place of
CC in my schedule. I can’t afford to bring my kids with me and Dan has
found a way, on purpose or by accident, to be deployed or gone for work
every year since CC26. This year is no exception.

I may be able to swing it to come out to Denver next year, but I can’t buy
my membership or plan in advance because Dan’s schedule *always* comes
first (which is why we’re separated) and because being there is part of the
process, it made much less sense for me to continue as web admin.

So long as CCs continue to be outside of driving distance and off holiday
weekends, I just won’t be making them. If I can’t get to Denver next year,
Toronto is doable because I can drive there.

Please drop Karen a line (in case she isn’t seeing this message).



On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 5:36 AM, <> wrote:

> 1. updates, please
> Posted by: “Elaine Mami” ecmami
> Date: Thu Feb 2, 2012 4:41 pm ((PST))
> Betsy,
> I’m hoping you own the & .org sites. I would like to
> have them updated to reflect CC 30 and the next 3 CCs – but mostly 30.
> If not you, then who do I need to bug?
> Thanks,
> Elaine
> Nil significat nisi oscillat!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Messages in this topic (1)
> View the Document:
> ————————————————————————
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ————————————————————————

Betsy Marks Delaney

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2370 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 2/3/2012
Subject: Re: Digest Number 630

I’ve been updating the Galleries on the CC site but don’t touch the code for the rest of the site. As Betsy said – it is Karen’s now but she needs someone to help her with that.
Got any volunteers?


— On Fri, 2/3/12, Betsy Delaney <> wrote:

From: Betsy Delaney <>
Subject: Re: [runacc] Digest Number 630
Date: Friday, February 3, 2012, 6:39 AM

Hi, Elaine and all!

Because I was concerned about my ability to continue attending CCs (proven,
sadly, to be correct) I stepped down as site admin around CC25 and gave
Karen the keys to her site. has always been Karen’s site.

I know there are still folks who have been helping keep the Gallery
Archives up to date, but I haven’t really touched the content of the site
in three or four years.

Sad to say, every year for the past three something has taken the place of
CC in my schedule. I can’t afford to bring my kids with me and Dan has
found a way, on purpose or by accident, to be deployed or gone for work
every year since CC26. This year is no exception.

I may be able to swing it to come out to Denver next year, but I can’t buy
my membership or plan in advance because Dan’s schedule *always* comes
first (which is why we’re separated) and because being there is part of the
process, it made much less sense for me to continue as web admin.

So long as CCs continue to be outside of driving distance and off holiday
weekends, I just won’t be making them. If I can’t get to Denver next year,
Toronto is doable because I can drive there.

Please drop Karen a line (in case she isn’t seeing this message).



On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 5:36 AM, <> wrote:

> 1. updates, please
>    Posted by: “Elaine Mami” ecmami
>    Date: Thu Feb 2, 2012 4:41 pm ((PST))
> Betsy,
> I’m hoping you own the & .org sites.  I would like to
> have them updated to reflect CC 30 and the next 3 CCs – but mostly 30.
> If not you, then who do I need to bug?
> Thanks,
> Elaine
> Nil significat nisi oscillat!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Messages in this topic (1)
> View the Document:
> ————————————————————————
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ————————————————————————

Betsy Marks Delaney

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


View the Document:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2371 From: Kevin Roche, Costume-Con 26 Chair Date: 2/4/2012
Subject: Re: Digest Number 630
If we’re just talking about simple updates, not a full redesign, I can
certainly help with those.I’m looking to see if I still have the passwords.



Group: runacc Message: 2372 From: Kevin Roche Date: 2/6/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please
I got the “keys to the car” from Karen and have (very quickly) updated
the Costume-Con.orghome page and what’s new page.Karen will have to take care of . She should always be
the first go-to on questions about either site.

I have offered to assist her in the future as well.



Group: runacc Message: 2373 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 2/7/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please

That’s great! I’m perfectly happy to keep loading the Galleries for the site but wasn’t sure if my skills were up to tweaking the rest of the site.


— On Mon, 2/6/12, Kevin Roche <> wrote:

From: Kevin Roche <>
Subject: Re: [runacc] updates, please
Date: Monday, February 6, 2012, 5:52 PM

I got the “keys to the car” from Karen and have (very quickly) updated
the Costume-Con.orghome page and what’s new page.

Karen will have to take care of . She should always be
the first go-to on questions about either site.

I have offered to assist her in the future as well.



View the Document:! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2374 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 2/12/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please


Perhaps we can put the FAQ I wrote up there, too?


—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf Of
Kevin Roche
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] updates, please

I got the “keys to the car” from Karen and have (very quickly) updated
the Costume-Con.orghome page and what’s new page.

Karen will have to take care of . She should always be
the first go-to on questions about either site.

I have offered to assist her in the future as well.



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Group: runacc Message: 2375 From: Kevin Roche, Costume-Con 26 Chair Date: 2/12/2012
Subject: Re: updates, please

Let me get through Gallifrey (next weekend) and Barbot (first weekend in
March) before I start considering any structural changes. I’m severely
time-impacted at the moment. These updates were simple to do.


On 2/12/2012 7:54 PM, Nora & Bruce Mai wrote:
> Yay!
> Perhaps we can put the FAQ I wrote up there, too?
> Bruce
> —–Original Message—–
> From: <>
> [ <>] On
> Behalf Of
> Kevin Roche
> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 5:53 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [runacc] updates, please
> I got the “keys to the car” from Karen and have (very quickly) updated
> the Costume-Con.orghome page and what’s new page.
> Karen will have to take care of . She should always be
> the first go-to on questions about either site.
> I have offered to assist her in the future as well.
> Kevin
> ————————————
> View the Document:!
> Groups
> Links
> —–
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG –
> Version: 10.0.1424 / Virus Database: 2112/4792 – Release Date: 02/06/12

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2376 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 2/19/2012
Subject: CC promo video on line
I think most of you have already known about it but since this is the “Run A
CC” list, where we’re supposed to discuss all things about the con,
including promotion, I’ve uploaded a promo for the con on the ICG Archives
channel. Hopefully, this’ll drive some interest to various cons. I’ve
intentions of changing it out and make it look even slicker, but for now,
we’re getting good feedback on it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2377 From: Michael Date: 3/26/2012
Subject: CC ConCom responsibilities

Since I’m working with a lot of people who have never been to a CC, but do have a lot of fan conventions, I’m putting together a list of ConCom positions and their responsibilities, so everyone knows who is responsible for what. I think we have most everything fleshed out, but we have a couple of questions.

Does CC usually have a Stage Manager to manage the stage crew for all the shows, or does each Masquerade Director just coordinate with them and the Green Room?

Does CC usually run a volunteer department to coordinate the people who volunteer to help on site for various things?




Group: runacc Message: 2378 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
If they don’t, they should. I’d consider both of these roles to be very
important to the con. The more you can divide out the work of logistics for
these jobs, the better, and having a single coordinator whose
responsibility it is to manage these areas makes the chair’s job MUCH
easier and the MD’s as well.My $0.02.


Betsy Marks Delaney

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2379 From: Martin Gear Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

Michael –
Post CC-3, I have always had a Technical Director and a Stage
Manager/Show Caller for any masquerades that I have run. Sometimes these
individuals are the same, but frequently they are separate with the TD
being responsible for the overall Tech at the convention, and the Stage
Manager responsible for an individual competition.

Yes, a volunteer department or at least a volunteer coordinator is very


On 3/26/2012 11:55 PM, Michael wrote:
> Since I’m working with a lot of people who have never been to a CC,
> but do have a lot of fan conventions, I’m putting together a list of
> ConCom positions and their responsibilities, so everyone knows who is
> responsible for what. I think we have most everything fleshed out, but
> we have a couple of questions.
> Does CC usually have a Stage Manager to manage the stage crew for all
> the shows, or does each Masquerade Director just coordinate with them
> and the Green Room?
> Does CC usually run a volunteer department to coordinate the people
> who volunteer to help on site for various things?
> Thanks.
> Michael

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2380 From: Kevin Roche Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
I believe we had both a stage manager and a front-of-house manager (to
oversee audience load-in, etc.) for CC26.And definitely YES for a volunteer director/manager/whatever you want to
call it. If nothing else, a dedicated email address specifically for
volunteers makes it much easier to track those offers of assistance.



Group: runacc Message: 2381 From: Margie Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

That’s great, Michael. (I would have loved to have had that resource available for us too.) Maybe it is something that can go online to be useful for future CC’s? Possibly even in the Files section of this Yahoo group.

I know I plan to have a lot of documents available for future use.

— In, “Michael” <bruno@…> wrote:
> Since I’m working with a lot of people who have never been to a CC, but do have a lot of fan conventions, I’m putting together a list of ConCom positions and their responsibilities, so everyone knows who is responsible for what. I think we have most everything fleshed out, but we have a couple of questions.
> Does CC usually have a Stage Manager to manage the stage crew for all the shows, or does each Masquerade Director just coordinate with them and the Green Room?
> Does CC usually run a volunteer department to coordinate the people who volunteer to help on site for various things?
> Thanks.
> Michael


Group: runacc Message: 2382 From: Byron Connell Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

I generally favor a single management for all shows, including the tech director, stage manager, green room manager, head ninja/backstage manager, and front-of-house manager. This relieves the show director from the added responsibility of filling those positions; the MD has enough to do in writing the rules, organizing the show, finding and briefing the judges, finding judges’ clerks, and so forth. It also assures that the con’s later shows are supported by a team that’s experienced in working with one another. Generally, however, the con needs to assign these managers show-by-show, since the same person may not be available for each and every show. (The SFF head nina may be an entrant in the Historical, for example.)

Often in my experience, the stage manager is designated by and reports to the tech director and calls the show. The head ninja is responsible for providing staff to support the entrants as they enter and leave the stage. When I run a green room I usually tell the den moms to turn their charges over to the ninjas and pick then up again after the ninjas get them off stage. Catchers often also report to the head ninja.

I agree with Betsey that it’s a good idea for a CC to have a coordinator of volunteers and a list of volunteer staff and gofers, as SF cons usually do. Roughly one out of two CC attending members need to provide some volunteer effort at some point during the con; otherwise the con may be in danger of collapse. Someone has to accept the offers to volunteer and assign the volunteers to essential jobs. I’t not going to happen on its own.


On Mar 26, 2012, at 11:55 PM, Michael wrote:

> Since I’m working with a lot of people who have never been to a CC, but do have a lot of fan conventions, I’m putting together a list of ConCom positions and their responsibilities, so everyone knows who is responsible for what. I think we have most everything fleshed out, but we have a couple of questions.
> Does CC usually have a Stage Manager to manage the stage crew for all the shows, or does each Masquerade Director just coordinate with them and the Green Room?
> Does CC usually run a volunteer department to coordinate the people who volunteer to help on site for various things?
> Thanks.
> Michael

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2383 From: Date: 3/27/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities


I agree that the more information that can be passed down to future
conventions will be to their benefit. We shouldn’t need to reinvent the
wheel every year.


On 27.03.2012 10:20, Margie wrote:
> That’s great, Michael. (I would have loved to have had that resource
> available for us too.) Maybe it is something that can go online to be
> useful for future CC’s? Possibly even in the Files section of this
> Yahoo group.
> I know I plan to have a lot of documents available for future use.


Group: runacc Message: 2384 From: Byron Connell Date: 3/28/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

The SLUTs post critiques following every CC. I think they’re on runacc. They talk about both good and bad aspects of the con and probably would be very valuable for concoms to review.


On Mar 27, 2012, at 10:58 PM, wrote:

> Marg,
> I agree that the more information that can be passed down to future
> conventions will be to their benefit. We shouldn’t need to reinvent the
> wheel every year.
> Michael
> On 27.03.2012 10:20, Margie wrote:
> > That’s great, Michael. (I would have loved to have had that resource
> > available for us too.) Maybe it is something that can go online to be
> > useful for future CC’s? Possibly even in the Files section of this
> > Yahoo group.
> >
> > I know I plan to have a lot of documents available for future use.
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2385 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 4/2/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

I would have spoken up, earlier, but I got the impression by the Subject
line that what was wanted was the responsibilities, not so much about what
went wrong and right. Betsy archived our con-running experiences/stuff we
learned from CC16 on the site, along with other material.
Most of the info still applies.

And as Byron says, we do post most of the “Warts and All” review versions to
this and the SLCG list. We’d like to think our reviews have been helpful
over the years (although some mistakes seem to be continually repeated, even
after we pointed to the problems).


—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf Of
Byron Connell
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

The SLUTs post critiques following every CC. I think they’re on runacc.
They talk about both good and bad aspects of the con and probably would be
very valuable for concoms to review.


On Mar 27, 2012, at 10:58 PM, wrote:

> Marg,
> I agree that the more information that can be passed down to future
> conventions will be to their benefit. We shouldn’t need to reinvent
> the wheel every year.
> Michael
> On 27.03.2012 10:20, Margie wrote:
> > That’s great, Michael. (I would have loved to have had that resource
> > available for us too.) Maybe it is something that can go online to
> > be useful for future CC’s? Possibly even in the Files section of
> > this Yahoo group.
> >
> > I know I plan to have a lot of documents available for future use.
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Group: runacc Message: 2386 From: Kaijugal . Date: 4/3/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

I think what is being asked for is a list of expectations. i.e. The Folio should open at X time before the convention date, and

is released X time before the convention date.

I’ve reviewed some of the previous posts regarding previous Costume Cons. That said, every opinion does not
always mesh. And different people have different needs and POV’s

There is no overarching document that outlines general expectations, and therefore you are always going to get
a select group of people who balk that, “That’s just NOT the way it’s done!!!111”, when people make executive decisions
on how to run their Costume-Con.

This is a problem I’ve already come up against. I’m running mine based on what I’ve seen and experienced mingled
with what I know works from my extensive con running experience, and taking into account some of the complaints
that have been made about previous conventions, but I’m still getting the “That’s just not how it’s done.” commentary.

I’m going to do my best in conjunction with my team to deliver a fun and well rounded convention, but I can’t
say that not having a set of guidelines / expectations beyond what basic events should exist would be the best
case scenario for anybody running a Costume-Con for a first time, especially when we have such a highly critical

~Dawn McK

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 21:59:55 -0500
Subject: RE: [runacc] Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

I would have spoken up, earlier, but I got the impression by the Subject

line that what was wanted was the responsibilities, not so much about what

went wrong and right. Betsy archived our con-running experiences/stuff we

learned from CC16 on the site, along with other material.

Most of the info still applies.

And as Byron says, we do post most of the “Warts and All” review versions to

this and the SLCG list. We’d like to think our reviews have been helpful

over the years (although some mistakes seem to be continually repeated, even

after we pointed to the problems).


—–Original Message—–

From: [] On Behalf Of

Byron Connell

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 7:02 PM


Subject: Re: [runacc] Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

The SLUTs post critiques following every CC. I think they’re on runacc.

They talk about both good and bad aspects of the con and probably would be

very valuable for concoms to review.


On Mar 27, 2012, at 10:58 PM, wrote:

> Marg,


> I agree that the more information that can be passed down to future

> conventions will be to their benefit. We shouldn’t need to reinvent

> the wheel every year.


> Michael


> On 27.03.2012 10:20, Margie wrote:

> > That’s great, Michael. (I would have loved to have had that resource

> > available for us too.) Maybe it is something that can go online to

> > be useful for future CC’s? Possibly even in the Files section of

> > this Yahoo group.

> >

> > I know I plan to have a lot of documents available for future use.

> >



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2387 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 4/3/2012
Subject: Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

You’re always going to get folks who don’t like change. But “that’s not the way its done” is different from “this is how we’ve done it in the past”. Sometimes things don’t need to be changed just for the sake of changing things, but it’s always okay to try out new things. If they don’t work – lesson learned.
The biggest problems seem to be people who don’t want any change (no matter if it would be an improvement or not) and people who insist on changing things just because.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” does apply but so does “don’t make the same mistakes, make new ones”.


— On Tue, 4/3/12, Kaijugal . <> wrote:

From: Kaijugal . <>
Subject: RE: [runacc] Re: CC ConCom responsibilities
Date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012, 8:47 AM

I think what is being asked for is a list of expectations. i.e. The Folio should open at X time before the convention date, and

is released X time before the convention date.

I’ve reviewed some of the previous posts regarding previous Costume Cons. That said, every opinion does not
always mesh. And different people have different needs and POV’s

There is no overarching document that outlines general expectations, and therefore you are always going to get
a select group of people who balk that, “That’s just NOT the way it’s done!!!111”, when people make executive decisions
on how to run their Costume-Con.

This is a problem I’ve already come up against. I’m running mine based on what I’ve seen and experienced mingled
with what I know works from my extensive con running experience, and taking into account some of the complaints
that have been made about previous conventions, but I’m still getting the “That’s just not how it’s done.” commentary.

I’m going to do my best in conjunction with my team to deliver a fun and well rounded convention, but I can’t
say that not having a set of guidelines / expectations beyond what basic events should exist would be the best
case scenario for anybody running a Costume-Con for a first time, especially when we have such a highly critical

~Dawn McK

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 21:59:55 -0500
Subject: RE: [runacc] Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

I would have spoken up, earlier, but I got the impression by the Subject

line that what was wanted was the responsibilities, not so much about what

went wrong and right.   Betsy archived our con-running experiences/stuff we

learned from CC16 on the site, along with other material.

Most of the info still applies.

And as Byron says, we do post most of the “Warts and All” review versions to

this and the SLCG list.   We’d like to think our reviews have been helpful

over the years (although some mistakes seem to be continually repeated, even

after we pointed to the problems).


—–Original Message—–

From: [] On Behalf Of

Byron Connell

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 7:02 PM


Subject: Re: [runacc] Re: CC ConCom responsibilities

The SLUTs post critiques following every CC.  I think they’re on runacc.

They talk about both good and bad aspects of the con and probably would be

very valuable for concoms to review.


On Mar 27, 2012, at 10:58 PM, wrote:

> Marg,


> I agree that the more information that can be passed down to future

> conventions will be to their benefit. We shouldn’t need to reinvent

> the wheel every year.


> Michael


> On 27.03.2012 10:20, Margie wrote:

> > That’s great, Michael. (I would have loved to have had that resource

> > available for us too.) Maybe it is something that can go online to

> > be useful for future CC’s? Possibly even in the Files section of

> > this Yahoo group.

> >

> > I know I plan to have a lot of documents available for future use.

> >



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Group: runacc Message: 2388 From: Betsy Marks Delaney Date: 5/29/2012
Subject: Fwd: [ICG-D] CON Runners’ Guide: Working with Masquerade Photographe


I’m forwarding Richard Man’s post on ICG-D so the folks on this list will
have a copy.



Betsy Marks Delaney
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: “Richard Man” <>
Date: May 28, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: [ICG-D] CON Runners’ Guide: Working with Masquerade Photographers
To: “” <>, <>, <>

(posted here:

Aurora Celeste organized a whole day event at Costume Con
30<>for (potential) conrunners and I did a
segment on photography. I thought it
may be useful to organize what I spoke about and post it here.

The most important thing to remember is that the photographs are the most
lasting historical documents of a convention masquerade. Years from now,
people would want to see the costumes (and costumers), perhaps from the
excellent ICG Archive Gallery <>.
Therefore, to state the obvious point, the most important customers for the
photographer then is the costumers, not the masquerade directors, not the
convention chair, but the costumers. The job of the conrunners then, is to
make sure that the photographer has the resource to put the costumes and
costumers in the best light (*ahem, sorry*).

The closest convention staff that the photographer works with is the Green
Room manager. If you are a conrunner, make sure that your Green Room
manager knows that they need to handle the photographer, in addition to
managing the costumers. If you are a photographer, make sure that the Green
Room manager knows all your needs.

Here is a list to think about:

– Is there sufficient space for the photographer? I personally need at
least ~20 feet by 20 feet. Make sure there is space for traffic flow.
– Make sure there is at least one power outlet, and if needed, provide
extension cord and outlets, gaffe tape, safety pins, paper and pens. I
personally carry all those things myself so all I need is a power outlet,
but other photographers may not have them.
– Give the photographer the run list. Generally I try to photograph more
or less in the run list order, but I do not hold to it strictly. Sometimes
it’s impractical anyway as the costumers may not be ready.
– The Green Room manager should have a volunteer to manage the costumer
queue and make sure that they also have the run list and that all
have been photographed. Have the volunteer check off the list as the
entries are photographed. The important thing is this: let the
photographs and someone else does whatever else is needed.
– Likewise, do not have the official photographer to do judges photos.
– And if you have someone who wants space to do judges photos (rather
than, for example, simple photos taken “anywhere” in the Green Room), then
make sure there is a separate space from the official photo space.
– I like to photograph the winners afterward with their award ribbons or
certificates. Ask your photographer about it.

For the photographers, the most important thing is *do not upload bad
photos. *If someone happens not to look their best at one shot because of
lighting or whatever reasons, just don’t upload the photo. Share with the
person privately if you must (i.e. only photo of a particular costume or
costuming details). Second, try to process and upload all photos within 2-3

Good luck and have fun.


// richard <>
// icc blog: <>
// richard’s personal photo blog: <>
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Group: runacc Message: 2389 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 5/31/2012
Subject: SLCG CC30 Review on the way
Buckle up. We’ve got the rough draft out there. I should hopefully be
posting it by sometime next week.Bruce

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Group: runacc Message: 2390 From: Bruce Date: 6/4/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Opening Remarks

Hi, folks.

The review was approached a little differently this time, due to SLCG
members all arrived in Phoenix separately this time, rather than in big
groups like we often do. So, there wasn’t the excited yammering on
the way back home like there normally is. We haven’t even met in
person to discuss the con yet – it was all on our list. So, it may
take me some time to distill some comments down.

Let’s get started.

A number of SLCG members were part of the CC30 committee – Nora,
myself, Byron, the Pettingers, Aurora & Henry. Thus, they can share
whatever comments they previously had on our list as they see fit. I
will break out into my own personal narrative more often this time,
because the roots of the review started while Nora and I were still on
vacation after the con. You know how it is – ya gotta talk about

Before the con

I’ll give credit to the local CC30 committee members’
recognition of problems at previous Costume-Cons and wanted to make sure
they avoided them. They weren’t always successful, but it was
obvious they were trying. You can take some of the following criticisms
with a grain of salt, but future committees should take heed and make
different mistakes – not the same ones.

Early on, there was a decision made that, rather than using the more
familiar Yahoo group for committee communication, they wanted to use
Googlegroups. Ostensibly, it was because some of the committee wanted
to use the Googledocs function. Some of us (committee members) were
reluctant to have to keep track of yet another account. It was also
difficult to navigate around on on line. Ironically, that function
stopped working or was unaccessable sometime after everyone was on

Now, theoretically, it was mentioned at the ICG annual meeting, that
there is a potential that Yahoo may eventually be going out of business
and/or selling off some of their properties, including Yahoogroups.
While there’s no immediate concern yet, the Technical advisory
committee is keeping an eye on the situation, and will inform the
chapters who use Yahoo Groups, and come up with alternatives if
they’re needed. Something for future CC committees to keep in
mind, though.

Credit goes to the Chairperson Elaine Mami & the rest of the local
committee for making careful note of the importance of communications.
However, having been on the CC30 committee list, communications seemed
disjointed at times. Questions about logistics from the show heads
seemed to be asked more than twice – I suppose it was easier than
going back through old emails.

Contrast this with when other committee members might have had a
question – they were told “it’s on the website”, rather
than just answering their question again. Not sure if this was to
streamline inquiries, or what. Another thing that seemed contradictory
to keeping the lines of communication open was that the Vice Chair would
sometimes take a query from a committee staff member off-list for a one
on one discussion. We realize this was probably to weed out a lot of
unnecessary chatter, but by doing so, it denied the rest of the
committee the opportunity to either add an observation or find out
something that might obliquely affect their own position.

There’s always the possibility of personality conflicts within a
committee, especially when you are pulling in people from outside a
Guild chapter to help fill out positions. However, there were a few
times when some of those conflicts spilled over on the committee
discussion list. That made things uncomfortable, at times. I’ll
not go into detail – most everyone on this list was also part of the
CC30 committee. I will just state that whether complaints about someone
are justified or not, it’s inappropriate to use a committee list to
air grievances against them, rather than addressing them face to face..

On a different note, we do want to say that all the other first-time
committee members from the Phoenix area seemed friendly and performed
their jobs well. Other notes: the webmaster did a pretty good job
updating the website any time there was anything new to report.

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Group: runacc Message: 2391 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/5/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Hotel and Registration
The hotel staff was friendly and efficient. While “pricey” (given that it
was in a “downtown” location), it was possibly the best located that we’ve
seen for restaurant alternatives. You could walk right out the door and
find a restaurant within just a few hundred feet – an Irish pub was across
the alley.The facility seemed a good fit for the con (we understand it’s used quite a
bit for local cons). The free valet parking was nice -having to tip the
attendant was a small price to pay for that “luxury”. Many people liked
the courtyard with the fruit-bearing orange trees and lots of tables to sit
outside at. Of course, using those tables was dependent on the time of day,
since it could get pretty hot in the sun.

The “O” shape of the hotel with the elevators on two sides made for
“interesting” navigation. There was more than one person who got turned
around, looking for a particular room, depending on which set of elevators
were used. Not a criticism, per se – just an observation. What was more
odd was the fact that all the function space, located around the courtyard,
was accessed by having to go outside from the elevators, then crossing the
courtyard – there was no inner hallway entrances to the rooms. This
arrangement contributed to a sense that there wasn’t much traffic during the
convention (more on that later).

The outdoor pool and 2 hot tubs(!) were much appreciated after years of not
having them at CC.


Credit goes to the committee again for having registration organized on
Thursday – they were set up in the hotel lobby that day, ready to take
people(!). Later, they moved that table to outside the main ballroom for
the rest of the weekend. Some people had a little difficulty finding
Registration after that, and having no signage to point the way for new
arrivals (as far as I know) didn’t help. I know that the hotel was rather
restrictive about the ability to put up signs, but perhaps free-standing
sandwich boards or kiosks (like we had at CC25) would have helped. If
there’s one thing we have continually heard complaints about over the past
few years, it’s a lack of sufficient signage. Future CC committee Chairs,
please make a note to have your committees give some careful thought to this

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Group: runacc Message: 2392 From: Date: 6/5/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Hotel and Registration

In a message dated 6/5/2012 8:59:26 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> The hotel staff was friendly and efficient. While “pricey” (given that it
> was in a “downtown” location), it was possibly the best located that we’ve
> seen for restaurant alternatives. You could walk right out the door and
> find a restaurant within just a few hundred feet – an Irish pub was across
> the alley.

I agree with this! The only hotel staff member that was consistently not
very friendly was the Bartender. And he was not the best one I have ever dealt

The location to other restaurants was nice. I particularly liked Paisan’s
Pizza around the corner. I went there many days.

Henry W. Osier

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Group: runacc Message: 2393 From: Bruce Date: 6/5/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Program Book
It looked very nice, with a very fancy photo. The committeed should be
commended for pulling in a number of advertisers. Content-wise, people
thought the descriptions for the panel programming was thorough.Since not everyone would have read the CC FAQ that was on the website, I
think it would have been a good idea to also publish it in the program
book. (Of course, I’ve been told a lot of people don’t read their
program book until after the con, too. <shrug> ). In at least one
specific instance, someone didn’t find out about the Con Suite until
Sunday. It’s one of those things that the vets just assume everyone
knows about, but it’s more comprehensive than the usual hospitality
suite at general SF cons. Plus, those don’t usually have parties
featuring so much food.

A few didn’t like the vertical format of the trifold pocket program.
Apparently, that’s the way some of the cons print their programs in that
area. The most confusing part of the pub was the scheduled lunch hour
was left off. There probably should have been some space that said
“12:00 – 1:00 – LUNCH”. I liked that they showed who was
sponsoring what at what time in the Con Suite – sort of like an
additional programming track. Having the map on the reverse side was
good, but, apparently some people had trouble reading it.

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Group: runacc Message: 2394 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/7/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Con Suite
One of the best in 20 years we’ve been attending. Rebecca Rowan worked
tirelessly to keep it stocked withsnacks, protein foods, fruit, tea, coffee and so on. Having both Pepsi &
Coke products was appreciated. The con was very successful in getting
sponsorships by not just standing CC committees, but local conventions and
other local costuming groups, including the SLCG, of course. Having Guild
chapters sponsor things should be an annual pursuit by committees. Almost
every sponsored meal had real food, plus the couple of tea and cookie times
in the suite. This saved folks a lot of money.

Speaking to the SLUTS in attendance, we’re pretty much thinking we should
continue to sponsor Con Suite meals.

Nora thought supplying the con with herbal teas was a good idea for future
CC suites. More people our age are trying to stay healthy and many people
availed themselves of the good variety. Something to keep in mind.

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Group: runacc Message: 2395 From: Byron Connell Date: 6/7/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Con Suite

The physical space — a long and skinny room — was not ideal. Rebecca made excellent used of it, however. My only personal complaint was that, on Sunday morning, as I desperately sought coffee before opening the green room to the FFS entrants who were to begin arriving at 9:00, all four coffee pots were perking at the same time so none was available.

Ah, well.


On Jun 7, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Nora & Bruce Mai wrote:

> One of the best in 20 years we’ve been attending. Rebecca Rowan worked
> tirelessly to keep it stocked with
> snacks, protein foods, fruit, tea, coffee and so on. Having both Pepsi &
> Coke products was appreciated. The con was very successful in getting
> sponsorships by not just standing CC committees, but local conventions and
> other local costuming groups, including the SLCG, of course. Having Guild
> chapters sponsor things should be an annual pursuit by committees. Almost
> every sponsored meal had real food, plus the couple of tea and cookie times
> in the suite. This saved folks a lot of money.
> Speaking to the SLUTS in attendance, we’re pretty much thinking we should
> continue to sponsor Con Suite meals.
> Nora thought supplying the con with herbal teas was a good idea for future
> CC suites. More people our age are trying to stay healthy and many people
> availed themselves of the good variety. Something to keep in mind.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Group: runacc Message: 2396 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits
Seemed..okay given that Henry had to scramble when he was asked to pick up
for Dora when she couldn’t come. It had a few more historical costumes than
FS & F/Fantasy, but you’re really at the mercy of who bothers to bring
stuff. Henry can address this more. The number of quilts was probably
pretty good, given that they’re not costumes. That had around a dozen, as
well. And the Doll contest had a good turnout. Space for all these was
adequate.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 2397 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: The Ribbon Project
Carrying on an idea we started at CC16, Nora’s efforts to get people to
identify themselves either as first-timers or as CC veterans was very
successful. We handed out quite a few ribbons outright, but we also had
many people come up to us and ask for them.The “Costume-Con Cognoscenti” idea’s success was harder to define. Nora,
Karen, Kevin, Pierre, Sandy and I (I think that’s all of us) wore them at
various times during the con. Few people asked first-timer questions, but
those that did were appreciative.

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Group: runacc Message: 2398 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Costume-Con Review – Runacc: Panel Programming


Programming-wise, we thought the subjects covered were interesting, and
there were about the right number of tracks. Most of the panels that we saw
were well-attended.

Here are some notes about our specific panel experiences:

Newsletter Editors Panel: Bust. Only one person came.

Presentation 201: Bust. I’ve yet to see a presentation panel very
well-attended. Either people think it’s too late for tips or don’t think
they need the help. They either need to be presented in a different way or
just dropped.

How to Build a Guild Chapter: Only 4 – 6 people showed up for this, and
only one person was there to get info. However, there was some interesting
side conversations about how to recruit new people into existing chapters
from the Minnesota Guild.

My First Costume-Con: Successful. Not as many people at this one, compared
to, say, CC28, but still worthwhile to continue. We may want to focus the
subject matter a little more in the future. Having a lot of panelists is not
necessarily always a good idea – we tended to get off on a tangent. A good
moderator is key.

The Future Fashion Folio 29-year retrospective was moderately successful.
Everyone there liked the idea of trying to get the permission of as many
designers as we can reach to republish some of the old designs from the
past. And I like the idea of possibly doing a “second chance” Folio show to
see if we can get more of the ones on stage that were never made up. Does
that mean I’ve volunteered? Also, we’ve gotten a couple of contacts out of
it for more material for the Archives. Bonus.

The Monday Costume-Con operations seminar track, which ran just about all
day, was surprisingly and moderately, successful. Panels ran 30 minutes
each, and covered topics such as running masquerades, setting the rules,
paperwork, choosing judges, judges etiquette documentation, etc. No new
people, but those who were on future committees found the discussions of
interest. So, this track seemed to work.

The Archives Road Show was better attended than last year. We’re thinking,
maybe, we should also request an hour sometime earlier in the weekend to
show some more “targeted” productions to pique more people’s interest in
convention costuming history.

From what we’ve heard, the workshops were well attended, but some were
limited in scope: “Steampunk Goggles”, “Intro to Hat Blocking”, “Steampunk
Garters”, etc. However, you have to realize that anything really involved
is going to take up more than an hour’s time to explore. One person said
they liked the Kanzashi workshop.

The panels in 75 minute blocks, with a 15 minute “transition” to allow
people to get to their next panel was a good idea in theory, because it
never seems like an hour is enough, especially when there are a lot of
questions. However, many panelists took the block to mean they actually had
90 minutes, and thus, kept the following panels from being able to set up –
which was a problem if you had equipment to prepare. You know how it is
with people not getting the heck out of a room immediately after an
especially interesting panel or where there are lots of props to pack up.

Panelists were given 5 or 10 minute warnings during the first day or so of
the weekend, but as it wore on, this was less and less observed. There
needs to be adequate people deputized to keep up on this. At least two
panels on I was in on Sunday were delayed because people were still
dawdling, thus setup for the next one was delayed.

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Group: runacc Message: 2399 From: Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits

My two cents on Exhibits:

Exhibits was the first CC job I ever had,for CC 15. I was supposed to
besomeone else’s “assistant”, but it ended up I ran it myself. For the
most part, you really ARE at the mercy of who can bring things; however,
if you decide on a “theme” and start early enough, you can contact
specific people who have costumes that you want to include with that
“Theme” and target getting those costumes. That year I got a lot of
folks to ship me stuff (even from the UK), plus I was thrilled to have
lots of tables from the htoel, as well as having my husband build me T
stands and table stands to display headpieces. I will say, it was a fair
amount amount of work, especially the tearing down, repacking and
shipping out what was needed, but I was happy with our Exhibit. Becasue
the Exhibits that year ended up in a very public, accfessible space that
was right when you got off theelevators at the top floor of the hotel, it
was really hard to avoid, so we had a lot of traffic. We also required a
guard at night, though, but we had a a terrific volunteer who slept there
on a folding cot every night.

I’ve often felt that Exhibits gets marginalized a little bit. I’d liket
o see, at least on Sat. and Sunday of hte con, a morning docented tour
through it, with a “more experienced” costumer maybe pointing out details
that wouldn’t otherwise be noticed. I’d also like to see an area where
historical or other masq. documentation could be perhaps exhibited, even
looked at more closely.

And, Bruce and Nora, I will DEFINITELY take you up on your suggestion to
have an Archives viewing earlier in the con for CC33.

Yorus in costuming,Lisa A

On Fri, 8 Jun 2012 07:05:05 -0500 “Nora & Bruce Mai”
<> writes:

> Seemed..okay given that Henry had to scramble when he was asked to
> pick up
> for Dora when she couldn’t come. It had a few more historical
> costumes than
> FS & F/Fantasy, but you’re really at the mercy of who bothers to
> bring
> stuff. Henry can address this more. The number of quilts was
> probably
> pretty good, given that they’re not costumes. That had around a
> dozen, as
> well. And the Doll contest had a good turnout. Space for all these
> was
> adequate.


Group: runacc Message: 2400 From: Nora & Bruce Mai Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits

Yes! I believe we’ve talked about docented tours in the past. Kinda
forgot about that suggestion. I think that would require more prep ahead of
time, to be sure of what you’d be getting. Then, you have to give your
docent (and you’ll probably need more than one) lead time to learn the stuff
– or at least have notes to read from. This almost requires having a vet or
at least someone who has costumed for many years.


—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits

My two cents on Exhibits:

I’ve often felt that Exhibits gets marginalized a little bit. I’d liket o
see, at least on Sat. and Sunday of hte con, a morning docented tour through
it, with a “more experienced” costumer maybe pointing out details that
wouldn’t otherwise be noticed. I’d also like to see an area where
historical or other masq. documentation could be perhaps exhibited, even
looked at more closely.

Yorus in costuming,Lisa A

On Fri, 8 Jun 2012 07:05:05 -0500 “Nora & Bruce Mai”
<> writes:

> Seemed..okay given that Henry had to scramble when he was asked to
> pick up for Dora when she couldn’t come. It had a few more historical
> costumes than FS & F/Fantasy, but you’re really at the mercy of who
> bothers to bring stuff. Henry can address this more. The number of
> quilts was probably pretty good, given that they’re not costumes.
> That had around a dozen, as well. And the Doll contest had a good
> turnout. Space for all these was adequate.



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Group: runacc Message: 2401 From: Lisa Ashton Date: 6/8/2012
Subject: Re: Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits

I’ll be happy to work with whoever is coordinating exhibits at CC33 ( or at the other upcoming cons). I think it would be really fun to have a discussion of the exhibits as a docent–I do that sort of thing at My county fiar every summer in the Home Arts Bldg. It’s also great, to have the costumer offering the costume for exhibit to write a few sentences that can be used as part of the signage when the exhibits are up.
Yours in cosutming, Lisa a

———- Original Message ———-
From: “Nora & Bruce Mai” <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [runacc] Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 20:04:17 -0500

Yes! I believe we’ve talked about docented tours in the past. Kinda
forgot about that suggestion. I think that would require more prep ahead of
time, to be sure of what you’d be getting. Then, you have to give your
docent (and you’ll probably need more than one) lead time to learn the stuff
– or at least have notes to read from. This almost requires having a vet or
at least someone who has costumed for many years.


—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Costume-Con 30 Review – Runacc: Exhibits

My two cents on Exhibits:

I’ve often felt that Exhibits gets marginalized a little bit. I’d liket o
see, at least on Sat. and Sunday of hte con, a morning docented tour through
it, with a “more experienced” costumer maybe pointing out details that
wouldn’t otherwise be noticed. I’d also like to see an area where
historical or other masq. documentation could be perhaps exhibited, even
looked at more closely.

Yorus in costuming,Lisa A

On Fri, 8 Jun 2012 07:05:05 -0500 “Nora & Bruce Mai”
<> writes:

> Seemed..okay given that Henry had to scramble when he was asked to
> pick up for Dora when she couldn’t come. It had a few more historical
> costumes than FS & F/Fantasy, but you’re really at the mercy of who
> bothers to bring stuff. Henry can address this more. The number of
> quilts was probably pretty good, given that they’re not costumes.
> That had around a dozen, as well. And the Doll contest had a good
> turnout. Space for all these was adequate.



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