Yahoo Archive: Page 18 of 67


Messages in runacc group. Page 18 of 67.

Group: runacc Message: 851 From: Date: 10/7/2004
Subject: Re: Staff memberships
Group: runacc Message: 852 From: David Doering Date: 10/7/2004
Subject: Re: Staff memberships
Group: runacc Message: 853 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 10/7/2004
Subject: Re: Staff memberships
Group: runacc Message: 854 From: srabba Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: More on Staff Memberships
Group: runacc Message: 855 From: Kevin Roche Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships
Group: runacc Message: 856 From: Charles Galway Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships
Group: runacc Message: 857 From: David Doering Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships
Group: runacc Message: 858 From: Charles Galway Date: 10/9/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships
Group: runacc Message: 859 From: Byron Connell Date: 10/10/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships
Group: runacc Message: 860 From: Kevin Roche Date: 11/3/2004
Subject: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-Cons
Group: runacc Message: 861 From: David Doering Date: 11/3/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-
Group: runacc Message: 862 From: Andrew T Trembley Date: 11/3/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-
Group: runacc Message: 863 From: Charles Galway Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume
Group: runacc Message: 864 From: David Doering Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-
Group: runacc Message: 865 From: Pierre & Sandy Pettinger Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-
Group: runacc Message: 866 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume
Group: runacc Message: 867 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 11/21/2004
Subject: Anime Con comes to St. Louis(!)
Group: runacc Message: 868 From: Ricky & Karen Dick Date: 11/22/2004
Subject: Re: [cc26sv-staff] [runacc] CC26 BID PAPERWORK OVERDUE
Group: runacc Message: 869 From: Ricky & Karen Dick Date: 11/22/2004
Subject: Re: [cc26sv-staff] [runacc] CC26 Paperwork Resolution In Progress
Group: runacc Message: 870 From: Date: 11/22/2004
Subject: Re: [cc26sv-staff] [runacc] CC26 Paperwork Resolution In Progress
Group: runacc Message: 871 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 872 From: David Doering Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 873 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 874 From: John O’Halloran Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 875 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 876 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 877 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 878 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 879 From: martingear Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 880 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 881 From: davedoering Date: 12/7/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 882 From: Tina Connell Date: 12/7/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 883 From: David Doering Date: 12/7/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 884 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/9/2004
Subject: For those of you who were concerned…
Group: runacc Message: 885 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/9/2004
Subject: Re: For those of you who were concerned…
Group: runacc Message: 886 From: Andrew T Trembley Date: 12/9/2004
Subject: Marketing Contact info…
Group: runacc Message: 887 From: Tina Connell Date: 12/10/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…
Group: runacc Message: 888 From: Andrew T Trembley Date: 12/10/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…
Group: runacc Message: 889 From: Tina Connell Date: 12/11/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…
Group: runacc Message: 890 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/11/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…
Group: runacc Message: 891 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/11/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…
Group: runacc Message: 892 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/14/2004
Subject: It’s official!
Group: runacc Message: 893 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/15/2004
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership]
Group: runacc Message: 894 From: davedoering Date: 12/18/2004
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership]
Group: runacc Message: 895 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/18/2004
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership]
Group: runacc Message: 896 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/18/2004
Subject: Advertising in the ICG Newsletter
Group: runacc Message: 897 From: Kevin Roche Date: 1/5/2005
Subject: Question about supporting memberships and voting
Group: runacc Message: 898 From: Bruno Date: 1/7/2005
Subject: Re: Anime Con comes to St. Louis(!)
Group: runacc Message: 899 From: Bruno Date: 1/7/2005
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Group: runacc Message: 900 From: Ricky & Karen Dick Date: 1/9/2005
Subject: Re: [cc23] Fwd: [runacc] Question about supporting memberships



Group: runacc Message: 851 From: Date: 10/7/2004
Subject: Re: Staff memberships
I did it at CC21. I locked in the staff price at the first pre-reg

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 852 From: David Doering Date: 10/7/2004
Subject: Re: Staff memberships

>Byron raised a point that I wanted to amplify–that is, who qualifies for
>the staff rate?

>Right now, our policy is to consider each on a case by case basis. We
>don’t offer the staff rate to anyone who puts in time–that would include
>just about everybody at the con. We look at some number of hours either
>prior to or at the con–usually 10 or more hours that are needed for the job.

Dave Doering


Group: runacc Message: 853 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 10/7/2004
Subject: Re: Staff memberships

We considered anyone who was credited in the Program Book with a major
position to be staff. There were several individuals in the Tech crew
who were only at the con for tech, and who had no real interest in
either the publications or the con suite, who were comped in, but I
think this number was very small in comparison to the rest of the con
(under 10?).

We had over 400 bodies at CCXV total, including regular attendees,
staff, dealers and volunteers.

Hope this helps!


David Doering wrote:

>>Byron raised a point that I wanted to amplify–that is, who qualifies for
>>the staff rate?
>>Right now, our policy is to consider each on a case by case basis. We
>>don’t offer the staff rate to anyone who puts in time–that would include
>>just about everybody at the con. We look at some number of hours either
>>prior to or at the con–usually 10 or more hours that are needed for the job.
> Dave Doering
> CC23
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Betsy R. Delaney
Web Mistress at large

************************************************************************ * *


Group: runacc Message: 854 From: srabba Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: More on Staff Memberships
Thanks everyone for your in put on this topic. We are exploring
options for CC-24 and were curious about what previous CCs had done.

The tough part really is deciding who qualifies for staff
memberships. We have a number of people from our SF club who would
help do the grunt work but are not costumers and aren’t really
interested in the panels or shows. It seems harsh to charge them the
full membership when they will be working only.

We’ve kicked around the idea of having a staff membership that has no
privileges in other words no attending panels, shows or competing.
For liability reasons it is important that everyone attending or
working be “members.” This option would seem to solve that problem
while also allowing our non-costuming club members to help us out
without undue expense. That brings us back around to the tough part
of who qualifies for this type of membership? The object here being
to get extra help not give away the store.

More thoughts, comments, suggestions etc.?



Group: runacc Message: 855 From: Kevin Roche Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships

One of the weekend events I helped found (FolsomFringe) must have
EVERYONE be members (sold in advance) because it is an adult event.
(This is because otherwise, believe it or not, the event falls afoul of
prostitution laws. Thank our Puritan forebears…)

The first couple years there was a sliding scale up to a comped (free)
membership depending on how many hours a volunteer worked, but two
things happened: 1) the paperwork was just too much of a hassle. 2) the
volunteers who were signed up for shifts on Sunday would attend the rest
of the weekend and then flake. So now the “volunteer membership” is
fixed at $25.

Problem #2 was only partially alleviated by making everybody pay (and
hence have an investment in the weekend). The problem was that this
group does not have the tradition of volunteer-run events that fandom
has. The low volunteer price makes breaking even worrisome coming into
the event every year, because so many volunteers are required.

I’ve been recommending for 3 years that they switch to a “pay the
cheapest membership rate and perhaps get a refund afterwards” model, but
because of the attitude of entitlement attitudes engendered by the
earlier system, it’s been a difficult sell.

I’d recommend that staff members/volunteers pay either the supporting
membership rate or the lowest attending rate, and include a budget item
for partial/complete refunds for if you come out in the black. If you
budget for reimbursement, you can plan for how you want to do it, but
you also know you’ll have enough cash for the overhead for all the
bodies on site during the weekend.


srabba wrote:

> Thanks everyone for your in put on this topic. We are exploring
> options for CC-24 and were curious about what previous CCs had done.
> The tough part really is deciding who qualifies for staff
> memberships. We have a number of people from our SF club who would
> help do the grunt work but are not costumers and aren’t really
> interested in the panels or shows. It seems harsh to charge them the
> full membership when they will be working only.
> We’ve kicked around the idea of having a staff membership that has no
> privileges in other words no attending panels, shows or competing.
> For liability reasons it is important that everyone attending or
> working be “members.” This option would seem to solve that problem
> while also allowing our non-costuming club members to help us out
> without undue expense. That brings us back around to the tough part
> of who qualifies for this type of membership? The object here being
> to get extra help not give away the store.
> More thoughts, comments, suggestions etc.?
> Sallie


Group: runacc Message: 856 From: Charles Galway Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships

I know exactly what you mean. We have some very active fans here, and might have a small interest in costuming. For them, it is more important for them to be part of a local fan-style event, and I think they’d be willing to do some of the hospitality/registration/security, positions that I think an out-of-state costumer would be reluctant to do. In addition, some of these locals might be paying for a hotel room (and food), and they may be in a less than adequate income level.

As a fan, I see a important role in sharing this convention with local fans, and not just the handful of costumer fans, that are willing to pay the full rate, and attend the events.

Is there anything you can consider, such as offering a two-cons-for-one rate (local SF con + CC), additional tickets to the masquerade for their friends (in exchange for the additional work), T-shirt or donated items passed to volunteers, volunteer’s green-room, etc.

I think it may be possible to “freeze” concom rate, at a relatively low rate, if that would work.

In my opinion, since the convention is so much work, any additional persons brought in, and maybe poking into a few panels, is a benefit to what the con is — a meeting place for locals, and out-of-area “fans” to work on costuming — and any other fan/art topics that may occur peripherally.

I agree that you should consider the volunteers to have memberships, and not given non-member status. I may not be important to some, but psychologically, it gives them more “owneership” — more sense of belonging — which is an important part of there volunteer motivation. In fact, it may be worthwhile to somehow enhance that sense, since they may not be as active in actually attending panels (a party three weeks after the con?, a discount on a con video?, names in the program book?)

On the other hand, we are also aware that there are some of the concom that have paid full-rate (which we need for financial reasons), and are still doing a lot of work.


—– Original Message —–
From: srabba
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 7:51 AM
Subject: [runacc] More on Staff Memberships

Thanks everyone for your in put on this topic. We are exploring
options for CC-24 and were curious about what previous CCs had done.

The tough part really is deciding who qualifies for staff
memberships. We have a number of people from our SF club who would
help do the grunt work but are not costumers and aren’t really
interested in the panels or shows. It seems harsh to charge them the
full membership when they will be working only.

We’ve kicked around the idea of having a staff membership that has no
privileges in other words no attending panels, shows or competing.
For liability reasons it is important that everyone attending or
working be “members.” This option would seem to solve that problem
while also allowing our non-costuming club members to help us out
without undue expense. That brings us back around to the tough part
of who qualifies for this type of membership? The object here being
to get extra help not give away the store.

More thoughts, comments, suggestions etc.?


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 857 From: David Doering Date: 10/8/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships
Charles raises a good point about including local fans into the mix (rather
than make CC “exclusive”). Having flexibility in “staff” rates helps to
include some who will work hard but otherwise couldn’t afford (or have
enough interest to afford) to come.

I think the challenge is to have some flexibility in fees while not
alienating other members. Most won’t complain about a reduced or fixed rate
for various staff. The trouble comes with comp’ing or a rate so low as to
be a comp. Just as an example, how fair is it to charge the masquerade
directors full rate while letting, say, the tech crew in for free? Surely
the job of MD is as complex as any tech assignment–maybe even more so
because the MD job goes on for months prior to the con.

Charles raises another point about some positions that don’t require CC or
costume experience. Given our limited numbers (say, under 400) we don’t
have a lot of extras for staffing without cannibalizing from those who
would otherwise compete or present. Having local fans who are interested
in handling Dealer’s Room, Hospitality, security, or gofers do so can be a
big help towards staffing.

Dave Doering


Group: runacc Message: 858 From: Charles Galway Date: 10/9/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships

Dave is right about that point. If the local costumers are so busy with running the event, they’ll miss the chance to participate in con-program. If there is a good way to get other locals involved, it frees up the costumers to compete, etc.


—– Original Message —–
From: David Doering
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] More on Staff Memberships

Charles raises a good point about including local fans into the mix (rather
than make CC “exclusive”). Having flexibility in “staff” rates helps to
include some who will work hard but otherwise couldn’t afford (or have
enough interest to afford) to come.

I think the challenge is to have some flexibility in fees while not
alienating other members. Most won’t complain about a reduced or fixed rate
for various staff. The trouble comes with comp’ing or a rate so low as to
be a comp. Just as an example, how fair is it to charge the masquerade
directors full rate while letting, say, the tech crew in for free? Surely
the job of MD is as complex as any tech assignment–maybe even more so
because the MD job goes on for months prior to the con.

Charles raises another point about some positions that don’t require CC or
costume experience. Given our limited numbers (say, under 400) we don’t
have a lot of extras for staffing without cannibalizing from those who
would otherwise compete or present. Having local fans who are interested
in handling Dealer’s Room, Hospitality, security, or gofers do so can be a
big help towards staffing.

Dave Doering

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 859 From: Byron Connell Date: 10/10/2004
Subject: Re: More on Staff Memberships

If the “membership” includes no privileges, it costs the con nothing, so you could use an unlimited number of them for non-costumers who are working on the con.

You also could add some basic privilege, like access to the con suite. That would result in a cost, leading to a need to budget for the expense.


—– Original Message —–
From: srabba<>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 9:51 AM
Subject: [runacc] More on Staff Memberships

Thanks everyone for your in put on this topic. We are exploring
options for CC-24 and were curious about what previous CCs had done.

The tough part really is deciding who qualifies for staff
memberships. We have a number of people from our SF club who would
help do the grunt work but are not costumers and aren’t really
interested in the panels or shows. It seems harsh to charge them the
full membership when they will be working only.

We’ve kicked around the idea of having a staff membership that has no
privileges in other words no attending panels, shows or competing.
For liability reasons it is important that everyone attending or
working be “members.” This option would seem to solve that problem
while also allowing our non-costuming club members to help us out
without undue expense. That brings us back around to the tough part
of who qualifies for this type of membership? The object here being
to get extra help not give away the store.

More thoughts, comments, suggestions etc.?


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Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 860 From: Kevin Roche Date: 11/3/2004
Subject: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-Cons
Note: I am *not* attempting to start a political flamewar.

However the isssue is real: Utah just passed a constitutional amendment
declaring it illegal to recognize my CA domestic partnership with Andy.

Normally, that would put Utah on my “no-visit” list.

Except that CC23 is very important to me, independent of the fact that
the CC26 site selection is occurring at CC23.

What can/should CC committees do to encourage attendance by people who
fear they may be at risk by doing so? Can you publish more info about
the community in which your venue is located to assuage such fears?



Group: runacc Message: 861 From: David Doering Date: 11/3/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-
Kevin asked about the impact of Utah’s Marriage Amendment on CC23.

For fandom, this isn’t the first time that political issues have impacted
possible attendance at a con. Probably the most famous was when Harlan
Ellison was GoH at the Arizona WorldCon. Harlan was strongly in favor of
the Equal Rights Amendment at that time, and Arizona had recently voted
against it. Like Kevin, he considered boycotting the con. Rather than do
so, Harlan used a motor home and ate only food he brought with him from
California to avoid doing any business in the state.

I appreciate the difficulties this amendment may present you and Andy as
well as others. As you know, of the eleven states that passed marriage
initiatives, eight included restrictions on domestic partnerships–Utah
among these. As of right now, no one knows what legal impact this will have
in actual practice, such as for visitors like yourselves. I am hoping that
the Courts can sort this out, but unfortunately that will be long after
next April.

I do not fault anyone who decides by conviction or concern for legal
hassles to not attend a con including our Costume Con. Sometimes we have to
take a stand for what we believe in.

I think as a con-com, we can and should provide good information on why
attending CC23 is still a great idea, despite this new amendment.

First, the amendment was seen here locally as being pro-traditional-family
and not anti-gay. Most people do not have animosity towards gay
partnerships or gays in general. Our governor-elect, Jon Huntsman, has come
out in favor of giving domestic partners legal rights and is going to work
to put those into law once in office. (See
as well as under Other/Families.) Consider too
that the vote was not unanimous–with over 1/3 of us voting against it. I
can’t say you won’t run into the occasional bigot, like in many towns, but
I have gone out in gay groups and most people are just curious, not

Our host city, Ogden, is the most cosmopolitan of any city in Utah
including Salt Lake. As the home to three military bases in the past, as
well as the main railway hub, it has been a long-time melting pot. The
author of the “Gay and Lesbian Atlas” gives Ogden a 96 rating (with the
national average of 100) on the number of gay households (see for details).

Our hotel, the Ogden Marriott, is hosting the Royal Court this month, as
well as an annual Bikers Convention (when Ogden becomes
“HOG-den”). Ogden’s oldest gay nightspot, the Brass Rail, is just two
blocks away. Right across the street from our Egyptian Theater is
Capricorns Lair, a retail store for the local gay and lesbian community.

Finally, I think it is also important for our members to come to Utah so we
can make friends and educate the community. Not just as domestic partners,
but as fans and costumers–just as Star Trek fans had to “go where no one
has gone before” to earn respect and appreciation.


Dave Doering
CC23: Utah


Group: runacc Message: 862 From: Andrew T Trembley Date: 11/3/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-

On Nov 3, 2004, at 3:27 PM, David Doering wrote:

> I appreciate the difficulties this amendment may present you and Andy
> as
> well as others. As you know, of the eleven states that passed marriage
> initiatives, eight included restrictions on domestic partnerships–Utah
> among these. As of right now, no one knows what legal impact this will
> have
> in actual practice, such as for visitors like yourselves. I am hoping
> that
> the Courts can sort this out, but unfortunately that will be long after
> next April.

The major inconvenience is that now we have to, before CC23 (along with
everything else we have to do before CC23, like I need another
deadline) get the appropriate Durable Power of Attorney paperwork in
place. Good thing we have an excellent paralegal to prepare our

andy trembley, Bitchy Design Queen –
San Jose, CA – ’72 R75/5 ’86 R100 (mine) – ’92 K75sa ’03 R1150R
“It’s not pink, it’s peach-colored. Pink is tacky.”
–Manfred Pfirsich Marie Rommel

2nd most important safety device on my bike: the one beneath my right
Most important safety device on my bike: the one inside my helmet


Group: runacc Message: 863 From: Charles Galway Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume

I agree with what Dave has written here. I would encourage costumers to attend, regardless of Utah political voting. And that would be for any event elsewhere — We wouldn’t want to miss Ohio events….(?) It only tends to hurt the local fans, without really solving the political problems.

Terry Tempest Williams (a local Utah non-SF writer) was asked not to make partisan comments at a Florida college speaking engagement. She refused, so the Florida students invited her anyway, and she went anyway, without a speaking fee. But that probably didn’t make national news. My point is that we need to do what we can to facilitate communcication, not let someone else close it down.

Being a male belly-dancer, and many other reasons, I certainly can’t agree with this admendment.

We do appreciate all that come out to CC-23. Without an event like this, Utah becomes that much less connected with other fans and costumers. I know for myself, this event is more than just a chance to get dressed up with a bunch of friends. It is a wide-community art and social event. I think that it enlarges our local life, and the broader world.

Charles Galway

—– Original Message —–
From: David Doering
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-Cons

Kevin asked about the impact of Utah’s Marriage Amendment on CC23.

For fandom, this isn’t the first time that political issues have impacted
possible attendance at a con. Probably the most famous was when Harlan
Ellison was GoH at the Arizona WorldCon. Harlan was strongly in favor of
the Equal Rights Amendment at that time, and Arizona had recently voted
against it. Like Kevin, he considered boycotting the con. Rather than do
so, Harlan used a motor home and ate only food he brought with him from
California to avoid doing any business in the state.

I appreciate the difficulties this amendment may present you and Andy as
well as others. As you know, of the eleven states that passed marriage
initiatives, eight included restrictions on domestic partnerships–Utah
among these. As of right now, no one knows what legal impact this will have
in actual practice, such as for visitors like yourselves. I am hoping that
the Courts can sort this out, but unfortunately that will be long after
next April.

I do not fault anyone who decides by conviction or concern for legal
hassles to not attend a con including our Costume Con. Sometimes we have to
take a stand for what we believe in.

I think as a con-com, we can and should provide good information on why
attending CC23 is still a great idea, despite this new amendment.

First, the amendment was seen here locally as being pro-traditional-family
and not anti-gay. Most people do not have animosity towards gay
partnerships or gays in general. Our governor-elect, Jon Huntsman, has come
out in favor of giving domestic partners legal rights and is going to work
to put those into law once in office. (See
as well as under Other/Families.) Consider too
that the vote was not unanimous–with over 1/3 of us voting against it. I
can’t say you won’t run into the occasional bigot, like in many towns, but
I have gone out in gay groups and most people are just curious, not

Our host city, Ogden, is the most cosmopolitan of any city in Utah
including Salt Lake. As the home to three military bases in the past, as
well as the main railway hub, it has been a long-time melting pot. The
author of the “Gay and Lesbian Atlas” gives Ogden a 96 rating (with the
national average of 100) on the number of gay households (see for details).

Our hotel, the Ogden Marriott, is hosting the Royal Court this month, as
well as an annual Bikers Convention (when Ogden becomes
“HOG-den”). Ogden’s oldest gay nightspot, the Brass Rail, is just two
blocks away. Right across the street from our Egyptian Theater is
Capricorns Lair, a retail store for the local gay and lesbian community.

Finally, I think it is also important for our members to come to Utah so we
can make friends and educate the community. Not just as domestic partners,
but as fans and costumers–just as Star Trek fans had to “go where no one
has gone before” to earn respect and appreciation.


Dave Doering
CC23: Utah

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 864 From: David Doering Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-

>Andy wrote: “I need…to get the appropriate Durable Power of Attorney
>paperwork in

Even though I have a “traditional” marriage, I also have what’s called a
“springing power of attorney” in place in the event that both Keri and I
are temporarily incapacitated (such as from an accident). It’s good

When my mother went into a coma for a month after her stroke, she didn’t
have one in place. So we couldn’t sign checks, withdraw money, or do any
business like pay her bills.

I’ll put a couple of links discussing the “Power of Attorney” process on
the Coming to Utah page of the website to try and make this easier.

Dave Doering

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 865 From: Pierre & Sandy Pettinger Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume-

At 06:14 PM 11/3/2004, you wrote:

>On Nov 3, 2004, at 3:27 PM, David Doering wrote:
> > I appreciate the difficulties this amendment may present you and Andy
> > as
> > well as others. As you know, of the eleven states that passed marriage
> > initiatives, eight included restrictions on domestic partnerships–Utah
> > among these. As of right now, no one knows what legal impact this will
> > have
> > in actual practice, such as for visitors like yourselves. I am hoping
> > that
> > the Courts can sort this out, but unfortunately that will be long after
> > next April.
>The major inconvenience is that now we have to, before CC23 (along with
>everything else we have to do before CC23, like I need another
>deadline) get the appropriate Durable Power of Attorney paperwork in
>place. Good thing we have an excellent paralegal to prepare our

That will probably be the best bet. Since you’re “only” visiting other
aspects shouldn’t be a problem. However, I would make sure that you are
covered for medical decisions as well in case of any accidents. While there
will be no surfeit of witnesses that you each intend the other to make
medical decisions, you want to make sure they are backed up.


>andy trembley, Bitchy Design Queen –

“Those Who Fail To Learn History
Are Doomed to Repeat It;
Those Who Fail To Learn History Correctly —
Why They Are Simply Doomed.

“The Illusion of Historical Fact”
— C.Y. 4971



Group: runacc Message: 866 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 11/4/2004
Subject: Re: A delicate subject, but a real one regarding travel to Costume

Actually, I think this is good advice, regardless of your marital status
(same sex or otherwise), because there are plenty of places where even
marriage isn’t a clear definer of what partners want their survivors to
do. Check out the stuff going down in Florida right now if you have any
questions about what I’m referring to.

I’m still trying to convince my own dear husband that having a living
will with explicit instructions regarding his wishes is something I
consider absolutely necessary. He just doesn’t want to commit. He’s from
a Roman Catholic background, and doesn’t have the experience I do with
long term, debilitating illness (my mom).

So take this advice to heart – if you don’t already have your legal and
medical ducks in a row, get them there now while you can still make the
decisions. And be sure to distribute those instructions to the people
who will be handling your estate.



Pierre & Sandy Pettinger wrote:

> That will probably be the best bet. Since you’re “only” visiting other
> aspects shouldn’t be a problem. However, I would make sure that you are
> covered for medical decisions as well in case of any accidents. While there
> will be no surfeit of witnesses that you each intend the other to make
> medical decisions, you want to make sure they are backed up.
> Pierre

Betsy R. Delaney

The Lame Duck Presidency starts now. 11/4/04

************************************************************************ * *


Group: runacc Message: 867 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 11/21/2004
Subject: Anime Con comes to St. Louis(!)
We just got word that there’s going to be a new Anime convention started up
here in town — in March. AACK! We gotta scramble.

The name of the outfit is Kunicon. Apparently, they are starting a sort of
franchise in Miami, here and Atlanta. I’m trying to get ahold of them now
to get more info. Here is their link: If anyone
has heard anything about who they are, please let us know.

We figure this is our chance to get in on the ground floor, so we’re hoping
to volunteer in some capacity. It seems likely, since they sound like they
have no people on the ground here in town. It could be a real chance to
draw some costumers into the community, and a prime opportunity to promote
CC in the Midwest!

Meanwhile, I think the Guild will probably try to have a crash course in
anime before the con, so those of our group who don’t have much background
in it can get up to speed.

We’re all pretty excited about the possibilities. My concerns mainly
revolve around how many people they can get to come on such relatively short
notice. they’d better start promoting like crazy in the region. They’re at
a disadvantage from the standpoint that they’ve missed Anime Iowa and Anime



Group: runacc Message: 868 From: Ricky & Karen Dick Date: 11/22/2004
Subject: Re: [cc26sv-staff] [runacc] CC26 BID PAPERWORK OVERDUE
The deadline for filing bid paperwork for Costume-Con 26 bids was stated on
the Costume-Connections web site as October 1, 2004.

On September 30, 2004, Andrew Trembley emailed me to ask for an extension
of the deadline. I was out of town on business with no Internet access at
the time, and received the message on October 2, 2004. I sent a return
message asking how long of an extension was needed. (Please note that I did
NOT agree to an extension.) I never received a response.

On October 30, 2004 (the 180-days-out-from-CC23 “official” bid filing
deadline per section 2.5 of the Costume-Con ConStitution), I sent Kevin
Roche and Andrew Trembley a “friendly reminder” email that I still needed
paperwork for their CC-26 bid. Again, no response.

I would not be posting to these forums if I had received any responses via

It is now November 22, 2004, and past the 160-days-out-from-CC23 deadline
for notifying CC23 committee re approved bids for CC26 to put on the ballot
(per section 2.6 of the Costume-Con ConStitution). We are 54 days past
Andrew’s request for an extension, 53 days past the declared 2004 bid
deadline, and 24 days past the ConStitution-defined bid deadline. Exactly
how long am I expected to continue waiting for paperwork?!!

If I do not receive valid bid paperwork from the San Jose CC-26 bid by
December 15, 2004, I will declare that there are NO valid bids for CC-26,
and site selection for the 2008 convention will be decided per section 2.18
of the Costume-Con ConStitution.

Folks, I WANT THE SAN JOSE BID TO SUCCEED, and will even deal with a little
squiffiness on the bid paperwork re hotel and dates (CC-25 had to lock in
their dates and hotel at a later date, so there is a precedent). But I NEED
PAPERWORK. The current situation is not fair to the members of the San Jose
proto-CC26 committee (who may be working toward nothing), it is not fair to
the CC23 committee (who are supposed to be running the site selection), and
it is not fair to me (who wants to see the con continue past its 25th



Group: runacc Message: 869 From: Ricky & Karen Dick Date: 11/22/2004
Subject: Re: [cc26sv-staff] [runacc] CC26 Paperwork Resolution In Progress
I have chatted with Kevin Roche via email, and he has explained why the
CC-26 San Jose bid paperwork is so late, and we are both sure there will be
resolution by the December 15 deadline.

My thought / hope is that the CC-26 site selection ballot can go out with
the CC-23 Future Fashion Folio mailing, which would save the CC-23
committee some postage costs.

Sorry about the public meltdown. Nothing to see here. Move along.



Group: runacc Message: 870 From: Date: 11/22/2004
Subject: Re: [cc26sv-staff] [runacc] CC26 Paperwork Resolution In Progress

In a message dated 11/22/2004 2:53:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Sorry about the public meltdown. Nothing to see here. Move along.

But I know those guys! They look like Moe! ;p

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 871 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: A quick point of information for con coms
Hi, folks!

One of my friends just forwarded me the CC23 dealer contract and asked
me to translate it from Word so that she could print it and fill it out.

Please note: Not everyone has Word. When you put forms or documents up
on the web, you should really make every effort to provide the content
in either html or pdf format, so that it can be printed without further
editing. Word processing programs are generally printer specific, so if
you don’t want to force the recipients to edit the content to fit their
printer specs, use a more universal format.

Assuming everyone has access to your particular choice of word
processing software/hardware is a potentially instant invitation to
losing interested people.

Just an FYI.

I’ve converted the doc to a PDF. If you want the version I just did,
just email me back and I’ll send it to you.



Betsy R. Delaney

The Lame Duck Presidency starts now. 11/4/04

************************************************************************ * *


Group: runacc Message: 872 From: David Doering Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

>Betsy wrote in favor of multiple file formats for any forms, sign up
>sheets, etc.

I fully concur. CC23 does in fact have the Dealer’s Reservation materials
in PDF form which is normally sent to the dealers who ask for the form. I
do not know why one particular dealer only received the Word format (done,
in fact, to help someone who had problems with PDF), for which I should
apologize to the affected party.

Meantime, I have now posted into the CC23 group Files area the PDF of the
Dealer’s Room Reservation Form, to help alleviate this.

Thanks for pointing this out, Betsy!


Dave Doering


Group: runacc Message: 873 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

How about .rtf? Everybody should be able to open & print that no matter


—– Original Message —–
From: “David Doering” <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] A quick point of information for con coms

> >Betsy wrote in favor of multiple file formats for any forms, sign up
> >sheets, etc.
> I fully concur. CC23 does in fact have the Dealer’s Reservation materials
> in PDF form which is normally sent to the dealers who ask for the form. I
> do not know why one particular dealer only received the Word format (done,
> in fact, to help someone who had problems with PDF), for which I should
> apologize to the affected party.
> Meantime, I have now posted into the CC23 group Files area the PDF of the
> Dealer’s Room Reservation Form, to help alleviate this.
> Thanks for pointing this out, Betsy!
> Yours,
> Dave Doering
> CC23
> View the Document:
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Group: runacc Message: 874 From: John O’Halloran Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

RTF is not as portable as HTML for basic forms,
nor is it as good as maintaining format as PDF.


Bruce & Nora Mai wrote:

> How about .rtf? Everybody should be able to open & print that no matter
> what.
> Nora
> —– Original Message —–
> From: “David Doering” <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 2:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [runacc] A quick point of information for con coms
> >
> >
> > >Betsy wrote in favor of multiple file formats for any forms, sign up
> > >sheets, etc.
> >
> > I fully concur. CC23 does in fact have the Dealer’s Reservation materials
> > in PDF form which is normally sent to the dealers who ask for the form. I
> > do not know why one particular dealer only received the Word format
> (done,
> > in fact, to help someone who had problems with PDF), for which I should
> > apologize to the affected party.
> >
> > Meantime, I have now posted into the CC23 group Files area the PDF of the
> > Dealer’s Room Reservation Form, to help alleviate this.
> >
> > Thanks for pointing this out, Betsy!


Group: runacc Message: 875 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

yes, RTF is very dependent on the local environment. I think Word may
even have started out as RTF under the covers.

It is also possible now to make PDF forms Fill-out-able so that they can
do a couple of things: Feed data to a script just like HTML forms AND
let you fill them in BEFORE printing so everything prints nice and neat
(no filling in little boxes with your marker after printing!)


John O’Halloran wrote:

> RTF is not as portable as HTML for basic forms,
> nor is it as good as maintaining format as PDF.
> JohnO
> Bruce & Nora Mai wrote:
>>How about .rtf? Everybody should be able to open & print that no matter


Group: runacc Message: 876 From: Bruce & Nora Mai Date: 12/1/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Html assumes certain things about the receiving computer as well. Granted
it’s usually viable but not completely universal.
As for PDFs:
1. You assume everyone has Adobe reader. That isn’t true either. Yes it’s
free and one can get it fairly easily, but not everyone is comfortable with
downloading a program.
2. And Adobe Writer isn’t a cheap program to obtain. If you have access to
it through work (or own it yourself for work or other reasons) and can
create those files – great. Most people do not.

In short – there is no universal format that everyone can open. The
solution? There isn’t one – we can only hope people will inquire if they
have a problem with a form and provide various available types for those who
have difficulties.



Group: runacc Message: 877 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

Bruce & Nora Mai wrote:

> How about .rtf? Everybody should be able to open & print that no matter
> what.

RTF is an incredibly unreliable file format. You would be surprised at
the formatting elements that aren’t supported in RTF.



Group: runacc Message: 878 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

Bruce & Nora Mai wrote:

> 1. You assume everyone has Adobe reader. That isn’t true either. Yes it’s
> free and one can get it fairly easily, but not everyone is comfortable with
> downloading a program.

Most new computers are shipped with Adobe Reader. Almost all new Windows
computers have included Adobe Reader for the last 5 years. Macs have
included Adobe Reader at least since system 8.1 (probably 8 years).

Mac OS X doesn’t require Adobe reader to view PDFs.

Yes, I know lots of folks have older computers but it’s very rare that a
computer with internet software doesn’t have Reader.

> 2. And Adobe Writer isn’t a cheap program to obtain. If you have access to
> it through work (or own it yourself for work or other reasons) and can
> create those files – great. Most people do not.

You don’t need Adobe Acrobat to write PDF files. I think Marty, Kevin
and I have said this repeatedly.

Many other programs have the native ability to save PDF files. Word,
unfortunately, isn’t one of them.

There are actually a number of shareware and free PDF writers. None are
as complete and sophisticated as Adobe Acrobat, but they do work. Check or

> In short – there is no universal format that everyone can open. The
> solution? There isn’t one – we can only hope people will inquire if they
> have a problem with a form and provide various available types for those who
> have difficulties.

In short, PDF is the most portable format available.

PDF the only format that displays and prints consistently in every
environment. Yeah, I know about Karen’s printer problem, Kevin has a
printer at work that does the same thing, but it turned out to be a
problem with a font in the document, not the document itself.

PDF is the only format that can be securely locked to prevent
modifications, an important feature in release forms, rules and other
“official” documents. Yeah, you can lock Word, but it’s easy to break.

PDF forms are an easy way to allow typed data into a form for printing.
Yes, Word can do forms, but it’s much more likely that the document
formatting won’t remain intact when the form is filled in.

The program to read PDF is free and most folks computers already have it.

While Acrobat isn’t cheap, there are cheap and free alternatives to
create PDF files.

OK, that wasn’t that short.

But in short, you’ve still got to be ready to send out paper forms via
the good old US Mail, because there are always going to be people who
have very limited or nonexistent computing resources, and print is the
only truly reliable format.



Group: runacc Message: 879 From: martingear Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

Bruce & Nora Mai wrote:

>2. And Adobe Writer isn’t a cheap program to obtain. If you have access to
>it through work (or own it yourself for work or other reasons) and can
>create those files – great. Most people do not.

One doesn’t need Adobe Writer to write pdf’s. Current versions of
WordPerfect allow you to save documents in pdf format and there are
several inexpensive (~$20) third party programs that will do the same
for M$ Word.

>In short – there is no universal format that everyone can open. The
>solution? There isn’t one – we can only hope people will inquire if they
>have a problem with a form and provide various available types for those who
>have difficulties.

This is true, but currently pdf is about as universal as we’re going to get.



Group: runacc Message: 880 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/2/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

What’s been said before… Plus which, I am advocating several different
formats, not just one, and never word processing specific. Take it from
me – I dealt with odd formatting issues with CC18 when a flyer was
created using a very specific printer as the basis, that went all wonky
and weird the moment it moved to a different computer. So much for the
fancy formatting.

If it can’t be covered by generating the page in HTML and PDF, then it
should probably be stored as plain text, which eliminates all the icky
formatting details, but leaves you with tabs and spaces exclusively.

No elegant solution until everyone is using the same exact computer and
software and printer. I am just advocating for more than one format to
be provided. And allowing for hardcopy should always be an option, even
in a paperless society.

Yep, I’ve got a copy of Acrobat. I’ve also got WordPerfect, and that’s
what I use to generate the ICG Newsletter for print. Did I recommend to
my clients not to put content up exclusively as PDF? Yep. Still do. But
that doesn’t stop me from providing the content that way as well.

And for the record, if you have something in need of conversion, you can
send it to me, but if I don’t have the font you used, you’ll get what I
have on my computer. Just warn me first….



martingear wrote:

> Bruce & Nora Mai wrote:
>>2. And Adobe Writer isn’t a cheap program to obtain. If you have access to
>>it through work (or own it yourself for work or other reasons) and can
>>create those files – great. Most people do not.
> One doesn’t need Adobe Writer to write pdf’s. Current versions of
> WordPerfect allow you to save documents in pdf format and there are
> several inexpensive (~$20) third party programs that will do the same
> for M$ Word.
>>In short – there is no universal format that everyone can open. The
>>solution? There isn’t one – we can only hope people will inquire if they
>>have a problem with a form and provide various available types for those who
>>have difficulties.
> This is true, but currently pdf is about as universal as we’re going to get.
> Marty
> View the Document:
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Betsy R. Delaney

The Lame Duck Presidency starts now. 11/4/04

************************************************************************ * *


Group: runacc Message: 881 From: davedoering Date: 12/7/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
We might want to consider a different approach to determine format(s)
based on the type of information you are posting.

For CC23, I use PDF for items that might have legal or other serious
consequences if ignored or improperly formatted. For example, the
masquerade entry forms need to be in the exact same format for all
entries. Directors and staff need to see the form the same way every
time to avoid missing things or suffering misunderstandings. The same
for the dealer’s room form.

If the form were in HTML, RTF, or other format the content might
adjust, change, or even hide some text when printed. This would make
it difficult if not impossible to work with.

Also, rules need to have a PDF format to be sure that everyone is on
the same page for the same reason. Word could be a good alternate,
but not HTML or RTF. Those can obscure the focus where emphasis is
needed. For example, safety rules need to stand out.

For other documents, the formatting is a critical bonus with PDF.
CC23’s Local Guide will be in PDF format to keep the handy size/shape
of the original. Printing from an HTML page would be ungainly as 8
1/2 x 11 pages. Setting it out in Word could possibly work, but again
raises the possibility of format changes.

I leave myself the option of using Word for some forms where there
would be extensive input required (and I don’t want to set up a PDF
processor online to handle this.) We haven’t had the need for that
yet but it is an option.

I use both PDF and Word for the flyers. That’s because there’s the
need to be compatible with local resources at the destination con.

I put informational items of general interest in HTML format online.
For example, the Ghosts of Ogden item (about, naturally, the many
ghost sitings locally) will be in HTML as it is an easy read. I don’t
anticipate many printing it out.

That’s just a few thoughts.

Dave Doering


Group: runacc Message: 882 From: Tina Connell Date: 12/7/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

Off topic, but not off-context:

Was that ghost sitings, as in: where they are located (which would make them
easier to locate), or ghost sightings, as in: they’ve been seen?


—– Original Message —–
From: “davedoering” <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 6:10 PM
Subject: [runacc] Re: A quick point of information for con coms

> I put informational items of general interest in HTML format online.
> For example, the Ghosts of Ogden item (about, naturally, the many
> ghost sitings locally) will be in HTML as it is an easy read. I don’t
> anticipate many printing it out.
> That’s just a few thoughts.
> Dave Doering


Group: runacc Message: 883 From: David Doering Date: 12/7/2004
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms
Tina wrote: “Was that ghost sitings, as in: where they are located (which
would make them easier to locate), or ghost sightings, as in: they’ve been

Actually, now that you ask, it could be both. The nearby Ben Lomond Suites
Hotel has a haunted room (I believe 1101). Also, the Ogden Station has
reported sightings and is a site of ghosts. So we have two places we could
go for ghosts.

Okay, so I really meant to say “sightings”, but I think we would all hope
to have a supernatural experience at Costume-Con and knowing where a
sighting is likely is still good advice.

Dave Doering

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Group: runacc Message: 884 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/9/2004
Subject: For those of you who were concerned…
I sent off our CC26 bid paperwork (well, electronic copy) last night.
I’m now waiting to hear if I missed anything critical.

Karen and/or Betsy, please let me know if you *didn’t* receive it! I
have copies on my laptop and can resend it, or post it to a server for
download if necessary.



Group: runacc Message: 885 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/9/2004
Subject: Re: For those of you who were concerned…

Got my copy this morning, around 5am. Haven’t had time to review. I’m
sure Karen will let you know if there’s anything missing/amiss.

Thanks for letting me know!



Kevin Roche wrote:

> I sent off our CC26 bid paperwork (well, electronic copy) last night.
> I’m now waiting to hear if I missed anything critical.
> Karen and/or Betsy, please let me know if you *didn’t* receive it! I
> have copies on my laptop and can resend it, or post it to a server for
> download if necessary.
> Kevin
> View the Document:
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Betsy R. Delaney

The Lame Duck Presidency starts now. 11/4/04

************************************************************************ * *


Group: runacc Message: 886 From: Andrew T Trembley Date: 12/9/2004
Subject: Marketing Contact info…
for St. Louis, this time.

K and I were at Las Vegas Coronation this past weekend, and got to meet
a bunch of folks from around the country, including the Vice-President
of the The Imperial Royal Sovereign Crystal Arch Barony of the St.
Louis Bi State Region <>. The Crystal Arch
Society was just elevated to Baronial status three weeks ago. Las Vegas
is their mother court, so there will be some significant western
attendance at their large events. Schedule to go to their first
Adornment (where the first Baron and Baroness will be crowned). A lot
of out-of-towners will show up since it’s the first time.

No, I don’t have dates. Drop a note to James Stevenson
<> and mention that Kevin and Andy from
San Jose gave you his address, CC St. Louis yada yada yada.

On a different note (Ogden), We also met the new Empress and Emperor of
Ogden, Marquita and Steve. I don’t have their contact information, they
were just elected two weeks ago and haven’t got cards yet. They’ve got
Kevin’s card, and are going to be getting back to us.

They had no idea that there was going to be a Costume-Con in Ogden this
spring. Now this may be because it was their election night (and that
can be a bit hazy, I’ve been through this twice), but it could be
because y’all weren’t there and didn’t walk as an in-town organization
and litter the tables with fliers like I’ve been suggesting. If you
didn’t, you probably missed over 200 people who spend all their free
time dressing up, and you missed seeing how the Marriott deals with a
hotel full of strange people.

Andy Trembley, Bull-in-Drag
The Bovine Illuminati (It’s the Cows, Inc.)


Group: runacc Message: 887 From: Tina Connell Date: 12/10/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…

And how does the Marriott deal with a hotel full of strange people? (Not
that we’re strange, of course.)


Andy said:

> They had no idea that there was going to be a Costume-Con in Ogden this
> spring. Now this may be because it was their election night (and that
> can be a bit hazy, I’ve been through this twice), but it could be
> because y’all weren’t there and didn’t walk as an in-town organization
> and litter the tables with fliers like I’ve been suggesting. If you
> didn’t, you probably missed over 200 people who spend all their free
> time dressing up, and you missed seeing how the Marriott deals with a
> hotel full of strange people.


Group: runacc Message: 888 From: Andrew T Trembley Date: 12/10/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…

On Dec 10, 2004, at 2:34 AM, Tina Connell wrote:

> And how does the Marriott deal with a hotel full of strange people?
> (Not
> that we’re strange, of course.)

I wasn’t there, I met the Ogden Monarchs in Las Vegas.

Frankly, though, how a hotel deals with a Coronation is not a bad gauge
of how it might deal with a CC. Ballroom staging and electricity needs
are similar to those for a CC, but for only 1 night. Hospitality brings
in more food and a lot more alcohol than a CC. And even out of face,
many drag queens are no more normal looking than many of us…

Andy Trembley, Bull-in-Drag
The Bovine Illuminati (It’s the Cows, Inc.)


Group: runacc Message: 889 From: Tina Connell Date: 12/11/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…

I realize that you met them in LV; I just thought that they might have said
something. Would they have, do you think, if their experience had been


—– Original Message —–
From: “Andrew T Trembley” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] Marketing Contact info…

> On Dec 10, 2004, at 2:34 AM, Tina Connell wrote:
>> And how does the Marriott deal with a hotel full of strange people?
>> (Not
>> that we’re strange, of course.)
> I wasn’t there, I met the Ogden Monarchs in Las Vegas.
> Frankly, though, how a hotel deals with a Coronation is not a bad gauge
> of how it might deal with a CC. Ballroom staging and electricity needs
> are similar to those for a CC, but for only 1 night. Hospitality brings
> in more food and a lot more alcohol than a CC. And even out of face,
> many drag queens are no more normal looking than many of us…
> —
> Andy Trembley, Bull-in-Drag
> The Bovine Illuminati (It’s the Cows, Inc.)
> Moo!
> View the Document:
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Group: runacc Message: 890 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/11/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…

Tina Connell wrote:

> I realize that you met them in LV; I just thought that they might have said
> something. Would they have, do you think, if their experience had been
> negative?

We (as groups) sometimes have different expectations of what good
service and a good relationship with a hotel is.

Basically, though, I only got to talk with them for about 5 minutes, and
we didn’t have much time for specifics.



Group: runacc Message: 891 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/11/2004
Subject: Re: Marketing Contact info…

On the other hand, we did not get the “oh my god what a pain the hotel
was” moan which I have heard from a few new monarchs. 🙂


Tina Connell wrote:

> I realize that you met them in LV; I just thought that they might have said
> something. Would they have, do you think, if their experience had been
> negative?
> Tina


Group: runacc Message: 892 From: Andrew Trembley Date: 12/14/2004
Subject: It’s official!
(formatted version with links posted at

Hooray, hooray, we slogged through the paperwork, turned it in (a bit
late, but with permission, all this Imperial stuff is a lot of work),
and just heard back from Karen Dick.

Our bid submission has been accepted, and “CC26? in Silicon Valley” will
be on the site selection ballot at CC23 in Ogden, Utah.

Leading up to the vote, we’ll have a presence at
FurtherConfusion (January 13-17, San Jose Doubletree)
San Francisco Coronation (February 19, Gift Center Pavilion)
San Jose Coronation (March 12, San Jose Hyatt Mediterranean Center)
Costume-Con 23 (April 29-May 2, Odgen Marriott & Peery Egyptian Theater)

We’ll be looking at getting more things firmed up after SJ Coronation
(when Kevin and my lives get a bit less crazy) so we can mount a strong
campaign (yeah, we’re unopposed, I know) at CC23.

andy trembley, Bitchy Design Queen –
“Anybody who takes this seriously deserves to”
— Donna Barr


Group: runacc Message: 893 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/15/2004
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership]

Hey, David et al… you might want to check on this.


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 19:20:46 -0700
From: Kathleen Mary Bernadette <>

Hi Kevin, FYI, I’ve sent in my membership twice for Utah. Nary a
response, nor a membership. i’m not happy. Oh, and I got no response
for Austrailia either.


—– Original Message —–
From: “Kevin Roche”
Subject: Re: [GBACGCostumers] further confusion
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 13:27:35 -0800

> Even if you can’t go to Utah, buy a supporting membership to CC23 and
> you can vote by mail!
> (They need the support, and we get the voting fees as seed money if we
> win, so we’re encouraging people to not just treat this as a sure thing.
> Seed Money is a Goodness. We’ve been financing the bid mostly ourselves
> up until now)
> Further Confusion is a “Furry” (Anthropomorphic Animal) themed
> convention at the Doubletree in January. Andy had to drag me to our
> first one because I had only met scary “furry” fans at regular SF
> conventions.
> We had so much fun that that FurCon is now on our permanent “must go”
> < >
> And we’ll be doing an League of Evil Geniuses Hall of Fame party there
> Friday night (that has been the theme for our bid parties).
> And, yes, I’m sure Andy will provide more details.
> Kevin
> Keeler, Jana wrote:
> > I’m sure Andy will provide more information…however.
> >
> > Andy and Kevin put in a bid to host the annual Costumer’s Convention
> > (classes/workshops, costume competitions and more) Costume Con 26
right here
> > in our back yard! The last time it was this close to us was Costume
Con 12.
> > Now CC26 will be in 2008 but that’s only about 3 years from now.
Their bid
> > was accepted and will be voted on by the attending membership of
Costume Con
> > 23 in Ogden this April. Since there is no other bid it’s pretty
safe to say
> > they will win the bid. You can read more about Costume Con’s
history at:
> > Here’s a link to the
> > CC26 site:
> >
> > Here’s the link to CC23 site:
> >
> >
> Visit our resource-packed website at
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Group: runacc Message: 894 From: davedoering Date: 12/18/2004
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership]

I appreciate you forwarding this on to us. We are looking into this,
and have not found any e-mail or PayPal correspondence for Kathleen,
so I am contacting her directly to find out if this was a paper-based

Fortunately, my wife Keri retains all correspondence, including
envelopes, so if we have missed this, we will find it.

Please, everyone, don’t hesitate to forward to us any potentially
relevant issues for resolution, even if it might duplicate another
notice. You never know when you are the only person who is seeing the
issue and we don’t want any CC23 member feel unwelcome.


Dave Doering


Group: runacc Message: 895 From: Kevin Roche Date: 12/18/2004
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [GBACGCostumers] Utah membership]

My pleasure… I built the registration system for a local conference,
including a payment gateway, and know sometimes things go astray.

And I *really* want CC23 to be a success. Call it enlightened
self-interest 🙂


davedoering wrote:

> Kevin:
> I appreciate you forwarding this on to us. We are looking into this,
> and have not found any e-mail or PayPal correspondence for Kathleen,
> so I am contacting her directly to find out if this was a paper-based
> membership.
> Fortunately, my wife Keri retains all correspondence, including
> envelopes, so if we have missed this, we will find it.
> Please, everyone, don’t hesitate to forward to us any potentially
> relevant issues for resolution, even if it might duplicate another
> notice. You never know when you are the only person who is seeing the
> issue and we don’t want any CC23 member feel unwelcome.
> Yours,
> Dave Doering
> CC23


Group: runacc Message: 896 From: Betsy Delaney Date: 12/18/2004
Subject: Advertising in the ICG Newsletter
Hi, folks!

I had several conversations over time regarding advertising for
Costume-Cons in the ICG Newsletter.

I’ve even heard that I should expect to see ads for CC23. What I have
not seen is the actual ads themselves.

Deadlines are posted on the ICG Yahoogroups calendar, and are announced
twice monthly as reminders.

I’m hosting our annual holiday party tonight. I’ve acquired three more
items that need incorporating into the current issue. And when I’m done,
it goes to the printer. The next issue is not due out until March. If
you’re planning to advertise, please get it to me ASAP!




Betsy R. Delaney

The Lame Duck Presidency starts now. 11/4/04

************************************************************************ * *


Group: runacc Message: 897 From: Kevin Roche Date: 1/5/2005
Subject: Question about supporting memberships and voting
This is a question which I think has general application, but I’m going
to phrase it in terms of our (CC26 bid) situation.

We’ve been making CC23 membership forms available at all of our bid
parties. We’ve explained that you must have at least a supporting
membership in CC23 to be eligible to vote for our CC26 bid.

Now that ballots are imminent (Right… they are imminent, aren’t they?)
would it be allowed to provide a copy of the mail-in ballot with the
membership application, so that supporters who cannot attend CC23 could
send in paperwork for a supporting membership and their site selection
ballot at one go?

We would remind them to write 2 checks for the two different fees.

I think this is something other bid committees might want to do down the
road as well…

(Our next bid party is Jan 14, so if this is allowed, the ballots are
actually ready and we could get softcopy of the ballot we could start
this at that party)




Group: runacc Message: 898 From: Bruno Date: 1/7/2005
Subject: Re: Anime Con comes to St. Louis(!)


Somehow, I just found 31 unread messages in my Run a CC folder, so I’m
catching up.

Since your post, Kunicon has announced even more dates, including Denver in
June and a future date for Salt Lake City.

Regarding their advertising to get members, with the size and
interconnection of the anime and cosplay communities online. If a new con
gets mentioned one place, it will transfer all over.

However, there is currently a crosspost thread on the Denver Cosplay Society
forums about prior issues that people have had with Kunicon. Some people
here are refusing to go in June, while others are willing to give them a


—– Original Message —–
From: “Bruce & Nora Mai” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:02 AM
Subject: [runacc] Anime Con comes to St. Louis(!)

> We just got word that there’s going to be a new Anime convention started
> here in town — in March. AACK! We gotta scramble.
> The name of the outfit is Kunicon. Apparently, they are starting a sort
> franchise in Miami, here and Atlanta. I’m trying to get ahold of them now
> to get more info. Here is their link: If
> has heard anything about who they are, please let us know.
> We figure this is our chance to get in on the ground floor, so we’re
> to volunteer in some capacity. It seems likely, since they sound like
> have no people on the ground here in town. It could be a real chance to
> draw some costumers into the community, and a prime opportunity to promote
> CC in the Midwest!
> Meanwhile, I think the Guild will probably try to have a crash course in
> anime before the con, so those of our group who don’t have much background
> in it can get up to speed.
> We’re all pretty excited about the possibilities. My concerns mainly
> revolve around how many people they can get to come on such relatively
> notice. they’d better start promoting like crazy in the region. They’re
> a disadvantage from the standpoint that they’ve missed Anime Iowa and
> Central.
> Bruce

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Group: runacc Message: 899 From: Bruno Date: 1/7/2005
Subject: Re: A quick point of information for con coms

I have made more fillable PDF forms at work than I care to remember. Some
with hundreds of fields. Can you say each letter in it’s own box? Stupid


—– Original Message —–
From: “Kevin Roche” <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [runacc] A quick point of information for con coms

> yes, RTF is very dependent on the local environment. I think Word may
> even have started out as RTF under the covers.
> It is also possible now to make PDF forms Fill-out-able so that they can
> do a couple of things: Feed data to a script just like HTML forms AND
> let you fill them in BEFORE printing so everything prints nice and neat
> (no filling in little boxes with your marker after printing!)
> Kevin

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Group: runacc Message: 900 From: Ricky & Karen Dick Date: 1/9/2005
Subject: Re: [cc23] Fwd: [runacc] Question about supporting memberships

Dave & Charles, I believe there is boilerplate on the web
site that would enable you to put together a ballot very quickly.

Andy and Kevin are offering CC-23 quite a bit of publicity here (and maybe
some badly-needed memberships). It would behoove you to get a ballot
together for them by the deadline they stated.


At 02:53 PM 1/9/2005 -0800, you wrote:

>Charles Galway wrote:
> > Thanks, that’s a good idea. We’ll see if we can get that to you…
> > Or we could do it via PR-II, due out soon.
> > We’ll let you know.
>’k, so dig back for the original message that I forwarded from Kevin.
>we need ballots and reg forms before Wednesday so we can put together
>packets for the 2000-person convention (that happens to be very
>costume-heavy) in hope of getting you supporting memberships and getting
>us votes.
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